Update to Oulu Business School Study Services

Oulu Business School Study Services times have been updated in Academic year 2024-2025

In Academic Year 2024-2025, the Study Services times for Oulu Business School students have been updated. The OBS Study Services counter is currently open on Tuesdays at 9-11 and Thursdays at 11-13 in Compass Service point. Location: Opintokatu, see Linnanmaa campus map.

All study services for Oulu Business School are also available through email: study.business (at) oulu.fi. Please mention in email title your study programme and briefly the topic of your question. Responsibilities of Study Services staff can be found at Faculty Study Services | University of Oulu.

If you need personal advice or guidance for your studies, please contact us to arrange the face-to-face meeting in Compass service point or remote meeting (Teams / Zoom).

Last updated: 5.9.2024