Want to get Work Ready? Sign up now for the Career Centre workshops

Join the Career Centre Work Ready workshops to prepare for the job market and boost your job search and employability skills.

The Work Ready workshops will help you to create your CV and cover letter, build professional networks and your personal brand, as well as set up a stand-out LinkedIn profile. You will learn how to articulate your skills and competences and discover the dos and don'ts of the job interview.

The workshops are available to all the students at University of Oulu and OAMK and will be held in English.

Please note that you should register for each of the workshops below separately. Sign up now to Get Work Ready!

Work Ready workshops

1. Job application documents - CV & Cover Letter

In this workshop we will dive in the dos and don'ts for the job application documents. You will get tips and information of how to make a successful CV for every occasion. A unique opportunity for all students of Oulu University and OAMK to improve their employability potential! Turn the challenge of navigating the Finnish job market into your strength, by developing key skills!

Note: register only for one of the CV & Cover Letter sessions below (this workshop is organised twice)

2. Job Interview & Salary Negotiations

This is a step-by-step workshop to prepare you for your job interview. You will get techniques to help you to successfully answer even the most advanced questions and familiarize yourself with the salary level of your field. A unique opportunity for all students of Oulu University and OAMK to improve their employability potential!

3. The power of LinkedIn

This workshop will help students know how to create a good LinkedIn profile and how to network their way to the professional world. Grow your network and your career with LinkedIn. Learn how to use LinkedIn to create your personal brand, find your next job, generate leads, and put job alerts.

4. Promote Yourself with a Portfolio

In this workshop we will practice how to create your own portfolio. You can use it as a showcase and a marketing tool to demonstrate your work and its outcomes and quality, and characteristics, providing an authentic picture of your potential for an employer. This workshop is for all faculties, and all professionals’ backgrounds.

5. How to Network like a Pro!

Networking is a powerful tool for creating your professional identity and finding a job. There is a number of Dos and Don’ts and the art of networking is not easy for everyone. The key points of the workshop:

  1. What is professional networking?
  2. Networking tips and tricks Q&A
  3. What is the Hidden Job Market?
  4. How do I access the Hidden Job Market with the use of networking?

For further information about the workshops, please see Career Centre website, JobTeaser, or visit Career Centre.

Last updated: 24.9.2024