Welcome to innovate solutions for sustainable and thriving cities - the best idea is awarded with 1000 €!
We are organizing a multidisciplinary competition for students of the University of Oulu, UNIC and the Oulu University of Applied Sciences (bachelor's, master's or postgraduate degree level) between April 18 and June 18, 2024. The competition explores solutions that support the sustainability and health of cities through nature-based solutions. This is an innovation competition, where the submitted proposals can either be designs and interventions targeted at the urban environment, or, for example, new operating models, service innovations, planning support tools or evaluation tools.
The proposals must be based on scientific research about the health and well-being effects of nature and the built environment. Participants will have access to concise background material produced by researchers. Innovative utilization of these findings in ideas and solutions is a key evaluation criterion. Evaluation is also based on the innovativeness, impactfulness, feasibility and scalability of the solution.
The organizer of the competition is the Resistant City: Urban Planning as Means for Pandemic Prevention (RECIPE) project led by the Oulu School of Architecture, University of Oulu.
The competition kick-off will take place at Linnanmaa campus (Tellus) on April 18. from 15:00-19:00, and we will also organize a virtual sparring event with experts on Thursday 16.5. from 13:00 to 15:00.
Competition proposals are to be submitted on June 18. and their assessment takes place in early autumn during August and September. The announcement of the results and the prize distribution will be held on 8.10 at 13:00-15:00 RECIPE Rotunda online seminar.
Competition information is available at the homepage of the RECIPE project