SUSRES: Municipal solid waste incineration residues as secondary resource for metal recovery and construction materials

Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) ash is highly potential but underutilized secondary resource. The SUSRES project focuses on processes that enable efficient and throughout utilization of these ashes.


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Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Research Council of Finland - Academy Project

Funding amount

701 153 EUR

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Contact information

Project leader

Contact person

Project description

MSWI ash can contain several metals that EU has listed as critical. In addition, the mineral fraction of ash is an interesting raw material for low CO2 cementitious binders.

Our SUSRES project focuses on processes that enable efficient and throughout utilization of MSWI ashes through, 1) mechanochemical treatment, 2) bioleaching, and 3) development of cementitious binders. The project focuses on the interconnection of different processing steps to allow fluent transfer of resources from waste stream to products. The project combines high value utilization (metal recovery) to high volume utilization (mineral residue utilization) to develop economically viable solution for MSWI ash utilization.

The utilization of MSWI residues as a source of critical metals and as cementitious binders reduces the consumption of non-renewable natural resources, lower CO2 emissions related to material processing, as well as decrease the potential hazards related to waste disposal.


Juha Ahola D.Sc. (Tech)
Chemical Process Engineering (Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu, Finland)

Collaboration network

Prof. Sebastien Farnaud, Coventry University, UK, leading Bioleaching Research Group, which promotes the use of microorganisms to extracts metals.

Prof. Lisbeth Ottosen, the head of section Materials and Durability, DTU, Denmark. Expert in metal recovery from MSWI ashes and utilization of mineral residues in construction materials.

Dr. Prannoy Suraneni, the group leader of Advanced Cement Chemistry, Engineering, Sustainability and Science (ACCESS), University of Miami (UMIAMI), USA. ACCESS will provide specific R3 reactivity analysis that will be used to characterize the potential of MSWI ashes for cementitious systems.

Kiertokaari Oy, Oulun Energia Oy, Fortum Waste Solutions Oyj, Suomen Erityisjäte Oy, Suomen Betoniteollisuus ry will act as Advisory board for the project.