ACNF - Functional nanoribbons from asymmetrically modified cellulose nanomaterials

The ACNF project will develop approaches to design an entirely new class of green aqueous entities based on elongated bio-based asymmetric nanoribbons, termed as asymmetrically modified cellulose nanofibrils (ACNF).


Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Research Council of Finland - Academy Project

Funding amount

699 000 EUR

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Contact information

Project leader

Contact person

Project description

ACNF enable anisotropic and controlled interactions between non-identical surfaces or change the chemical features of surfaces while simultaneously creating elastic and strong joints or steric barrier in complex systems.

Many complex, multicomponent aqueous colloidal (and emulsions etc.) systems such as mineral particle suspensions or solutions containing biological or bioactive components require asymmetric and controlled interactions to cross-link chemically non-identical surfaces or manipulate the surface features of specific entities (to further separate or bound targeted objects), for example. Interactions in colloidal systems are typically affected or altered by synthetic, chemically functionalised organic polymers, but anisotropic and controlled interactions are a notable scientific challenge when designing biomedical processes or novel advanced materials and paving the way towards complex systems resembling those in biological processes in nature.

Our aim is also to address the distinctive characteristics of synthesised ACNF to accomplish advanced surface manipulation of colloids, emulsions etc. to enable analytics related to fundamental phenomena of biological and biomedical systems, entirely new separation processes and advanced material synthesis. For example, ACNF can be harnessed as nano-tools to investigate fundamental biological processes such as nano-sized information cargo unit called exosomes. We envision that the advanced features of ACNF, which differ significantly from the properties of current substances, are crucial to make a leap towards future smart chemicals that have a the target specific performance similar to many biological systems.