HAL4SDV - Hardware abstraction layer for a European software-defined vehicle approach


The goal of the HAL4SDV project is to advance European solutions in software-defined vehicles (SDV) and next-generation vehicles. The project aims to harmonize efforts across Europe by creating a comprehensive SDV ecosystem and leveraging existing national projects as well as international research and development activities.

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Multiple sources

Project funder

Horizon Europe - CHIPS-JU RIA (101139789)
Business Finland (7655/31/2023)

Project coordinator

EU: TTTech Computertechnik AG / Finland: University of Oulu

Contact information

Project leader

Other persons

Project description

The goal of the HAL4SDV project is to advance European solutions in software-defined vehicles (SDV) and next-generation vehicles. The project aims to unify efforts across Europe and build a comprehensive SDV ecosystem, while also utilizing national projects and international research and development activities.

The HAL4SDV project aims to establish the foundation for a software-defined vehicle (SDV) approach for both safety-critical and non-safety-critical applications for future vehicles. To accomplish this, efforts are focused on unifying software interfaces and development methodologies, enabling software configuration that operates independently of vehicle hardware.

M3S research unit will contribute to the HAL4SDV project by shaping its vision, and strategic goals, and communicating scientific knowledge. We will focus on requirement analysis, reference architecture, and roadmap design, leveraging its expertise in software development, safety-critical systems, and real-time functions. They will also disseminate results through publications and integrate findings into education and thesis supervision.

HAL4SDV receives funding through the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) (grant no. 101139789), which is a public-private partnership for research, development, and innovation under the Horizon Europe program, as well as national funding. In Finland, national funding is provided by Business Finland (grant no. 7655/31/2023).