KATI - Innovations That Enhance Machine and Vehicle Technologies

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
European Structural Funds - Just Transition Fund (JTF)
Project funder
Funding amount
831 849 EUR
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
The mechanical and automotive engineering sector has made significant progress in recent years. The most significant change in mechanical engineering is the maturation of additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, techniques into industrial methods. Developments have also accelerated in other areas, such as robotics and the use of artificial intelligence to control machines and improve efficiency. In automotive and machine tools, one of the most significant innovations has been electrification and increasing autonomy.
KATI project responds to the need of companies in the region to acquire new know-how, solutions and ideas for the development and renewal of metal, mechanical and automotive engineering companies in North Ostrobothnia in relation to future energy sources for vehicles and machinery, power lines, and electrification, as well as the autonomisation of mobile equipment. The project also responds to the need for the region's automotive and machine technology educational institutions to have updated and supplemented learning environments related to electrification and autonomous operation.
The project will be implemented as a group project between 15.5.2023 - 31.8.2025 and its main implementer is the University of Oulu's FMT research group. The University of Oulu's Machine and vehicle design MVD research group (Materials and Mechanical Engineering research unit) is also involved in the implementation of the project. The subprojects are implemented by Centria university of applied sciences, The Vocational Education Centre JEDU, Brahe Education Centre, Educational Consortium OSAO and Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk). The funding for the project has been granted by the Regional Council of Oulu from the Just Transition Fund (JTF) of the Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021-2027 programme (EU/ERDF). Other funder of the KATI project is the City of Nivala. The project is divided into a development section and an investment section.