Mine.io - A Holistic Digital Mine 4.0 Ecosystem


MineIO is a project that aims at informatization, digitalization, and sustainability of the mining industry by providing solutions that will create a novel mining digital ecosystem and a systemic structure for implementing Industry 4.0 in mining.


Mine.io digitalization of mining industry

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Horizon Europe - Innovation Action (IA)

Funding amount

659 375 EUR

Project coordinator


Contact information

Project description

MINE.IO digitalisation solutions cover the entire mining value chain, from resource exploration, extraction, and processing, to waste management and post-mining activity. The central aim is to create a system architecture for usage on the "shop floor" of digital twin mining in a cloud environment. MINE.IO will create a cutting-edge cloud services infrastructure and a cutting-edge mining ecosystem that enables productivity and sustainability.

In MINE.IO, the University of Oulu will develop a multi-source geophysical data fusion for the surveillance of tailings embankment in a digitalised framework by designing automated workflows for geophysical data acquisition, modeling, and interpretation of the structural and hydrological conditions of tailings structures.