Modern competitive composite structures (TeräsPuu)

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
European Structural Funds - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Project funder
Funding amount
476 000 EUR
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
Wood is renewable, versatile and easily fabricated material, and its use has increased globally, especially for large construction projects. Trend has been seen in Finland, for example, in the construction of wooden block houses using CLT elements. On the other hand, environmental trends and health aspects have increased the construction of wooden log houses. The biggest development challenge in construction is the speed of installation, which is maintained by the lack of development and the time schedules.
The TeräsPuu project offers a wide range of solutions for the development of wood products and their installation. The development activities include CLT/CLC elements, glued beams and logs, box solutions and fire-resistant materials. In addition to steel and wood union structures, the project also explores the use of other alternative low carbon materials from technical and business perspectives.
The main objective of the project is to develop and improve the capacity and ability of RDI actors in Northern Ostrobothnia to adopt, develop and transfer advanced technologies useful for the metal and construction industries. The technical objective of the project is to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs by renewing current manufacturing methods, materials and structures so that the products manufactured are cheaper to strengthen and their carbon footprint is reduced. The main means is to increase the use of wood in the construction industry, adding healing properties to wooden structures, for example, with the help of steel. The project is roughly divided into two parts: 1) development and testing of composite structures and 2) automation of production and opportunities for digitalization.
The TeräsPuu project will be implemented as a group project between 1.5.2024 and 30.4.2026 and its total budget is 861 357 €, of which the University of Oulu accounts for 476 000 €. The main project is implemented by the Future Manufacturing Technologies (FMT) research group of the Kerttu Saalasti Institute of the University of Oulu and the subprojects are implemented by Centria University of Applied Sciences Ltd and Nivala Industrial Park Ltd. The project has been funded by the EU's Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021–2027 (EU/ERDF) and the funding has been granted by the Council of Oulu Region.