
Multi-Radio Access Technology Connectivity for Improving Safety of Drones

The MRAT-SafeDrone project focuses on making the wireless connectivity for drones more dependable, secure and efficient. On this way, the project investigates the performance of the cutting edge automotive, and internet-of-things (IoT) grade technologies for aerial use by drones and develops the theoretical and technical foundations for multi-radio access technology (MRAT) drone connectivity.
MRAT-SafeDrone vision and focus areas

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Research Council of Finland - Postdoctoral Researcher

Project funder

Academy of Finland
University of Oulu

Funding amount

343 748 EUR

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Contact information

Project leader

Project description

The drone industry has the potential to bring tremendous economic growth, jobs, innovation, and broad societal benefits. However, by now means these benefits can be achieved at the cost of compromising public and personal safety. To address these challenges and in support of the recent pan-EU drone legislation, MRAT-SafeDrone project focuses on making the wireless connectivity for drones more dependable, secure and efficient. On this way, the project investigates the performance of the cutting edge automotive, and internet-of-things (IoT) grade technologies for aerial use by drones and develops the theoretical and technical foundations for multi-radio access technology (MRAT) drone connectivity. We believe that the provision of multiple means of communication, in contrast to just a drone-to-pilot interface available today, will increase the awareness of the drone of its environment, support collaboration between drones, and help to prevent vastly-growing accidents with drones.