Konstantin Mikhaylov

Dr. Tech.; Title of Docent (Dosentti)
Associate Professor (tenure track) for Convergent Wireless for IoT
Machine-type connectivity radio access technologies, wireless connectivity for IoT; IoT ecosystems;

CWC-Networks and Systems
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Konstantin Mikhaylov is the Associate Professor (tenure track) for Convergent IoT Communications with the Centre for Wireless Communications at the University of Oulu and 6G Flagship. He also holds the Title of Docent for the same topic. He has got a Dr. Tech (PhD) degree in communication engineering from the University of Oulu in 2018. Konstantin's research focuses on radio access and beyond-access technologies and protocols for massive and dependable IoT and the matters related to the design and use of IoT devices, systems, and applications. After obtaining his PhD, he has had research visits to Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, University of Bologna, Italy, Yokohama National University, Japan, King's College London, United Kingdom. In 2021-2024, he held the prestigious and highly competitive Academy of Finland PostDoc position. He was also listed among the top 2% of scholars by standardized citation indicators (years 2022-2019) by Stanford/Elsevier BV. He has also received the best demo award at SmartCom'2016 & best paper award at IEEE CogInfoCom'2014.

As of July 2024, Prof. Mikhaylov had authored and coauthored about 140 research works (Google Scholar h-index=33) and acted as an editor of the "Integration of MTC and Satellites for IoT toward 6G Era" book (2024). He has served as a co-editor for several special issues of the MDPI Sensors journal, the co-chair of the WEAR-IoT workshop (2019-2023), 1st Workshop on integrating MTC and Satellites (2023), International Workshop on Energy Neutral and Sustainable IoT Devices and Infrastructure (2024), AI for Wireless Network Modeling and Optimization session at CSNDSP 2024 conference, Network Softwarisation and Vertical applications and IoT track at EuCNC 2025 and 2022 conference, respectively. He is the TPC member for multiple flagship conferences (e.g., Globecom, Infocom, ICC, PIMRC, VTC) and the regular reviewer of over 20 different IEEE journals. Prof. Mikhaylov is a Senior Member of IEEE and MC member from Finland for COST CA20120 "INTERACT". He also holds A1/A3 open-category drone pilot license.

Research interests

  • IoT
  • Wireless connectivity
  • LoRaWAN
  • NB-IoT
  • V2X
  • Applications
  • Drones and robots
  • MTC
  • 6G
  • Experimentation and testbeds
  • Satellite

Researcher information

<Konstantin Mikhaylov>

Contact information



Visiting address

TS473, Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 3, University of Oulu, CWC-NS

Postal address

Finland, FIN 90014, Oulu, Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 3, University of Oulu, Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC-NS)