Towards green electronics: Biobased and sustainable applications of the microelectronics

Towards green electronics - project is funded by ERDF (Northern Ostrobothnia) granted by the Council of Oulu Region, self-funding of the implementer and private funding of the participating enterprises. Fibre and Particle Engineering research unit and Microelectronic research unit are together the main implementer of the project. The project is financed as a part due to the covid-19 pandemic the a


Project information

Project duration


Funded by

European Structural and Investment Funds - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Funding amount

199 998 EUR

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Contact information

Contact person

Project description

Targets of the project:

  • The project develops and forms a network and emerging of local bioeconomy knowhow and make new business opportunities possible.
  • New products would enable emerging of smaller operators and will lead to totally new products in the electronic industry.
  • The ERDF project improves digitalization and helps to achieve society of the carbon neutrality.
  • Know-how and information about the suitability of novel less carbon containing materials for the production of commercial electronic applications are obtained.
  • Based on these elements, new potential biobased and green electronics products are obtained (such as sensors, components and electromagnetic interference shieldings).

Aim of the project is to create new functional green materials, which will be suited for electronic and data communications including components (such as biosensors, electrodes, circuit board and component board), which all are based on cellulose and other biobased materials. Project will be performed together with Fibre and Particle Engineering Research Unit and Microelectronic Research Unit and there are joined also various companies working in fields of bioeconomy and electronics. In the near future there will be a clear demand for green applications to digital solutions and the fact is that these are not principally available at the moment. In the project we focus on materials, which are at the same time sustainable, biobased, functional, and recyclable. The applied project will be boosted by local research development and economy (such as utilization of intelligent printed electronic environment). This project enables to improve research and education of the bioeconomy and ICT/electronic and activates also new businesses in Northern Ostrobothnia.

The present project is separated into five individual work packages (WP)

WP1: Development of biobased materials for the electronic applications,

WP2: Development of biochar for the electronic applications,

WP3: Manufacturing of novel hybrid materials for chosen electronic applications,

WP4: Testing of prepared materials and comparison of the commercial products,

WP5: Techno-economical evaluation of the manufacturing novel materials.