COACT - Complexity of (inter)action and multimodal participation
Research group information
Unit and faculty
Research group description
COACT research community examines what consitutes complexity in (inter)action and how participants organize their skilled inter(action) in multimodal contexts and across different social situations. We also examine how participation changes and develops over time and how it can be maintained and supported in complex settings. These questions are explored in view of a set of central themes, which may revolve around shifts, turning points, moments of trouble and multiactivity in interaction. More specifically, many studies and projects within COACT focus on learning and guidance (e.g. tutoring, mentoring, counseling, teaching, apprenticeship, supervision) as well as on work practices, professionalism and professional growth. Many researchers also have joint interests in investigating collaboration, collaborative work, solidarity and community. These themes will be explored in diverse communities, including language learners, colleagues and members of professional communities, friends and families and members of online groups, and others.
COACT organizes weekly data sessions where members and visitors can present their data and discuss them with others. These slots can also be used for presentation dry runs as well as study circles where participants discuss specific readings or topics.
In monthly grassroots writing sessions, the participants’ texts at different stages of completion are discussed and commented on.
In addition, COACT meets once a month to discuss current affairs.
COACT invests in research training as an essential part of the research work carried out within the RC. We offer graduate and post-graduate courses which are advertised within UniOGS.
Visit us
Visitors to COACT are welcome to join us in our activities. Please contact the head of the research community:
- Professor Tiina Keisanen (Principal investigator); change, languages, multimodal data, participation, social (inter)action, video-based research
- Avgustis Iuliia, everyday settings, multimodal data, video-based research, technology, social (inter)action
- Eilittä Tiina, conversation analysis, everyday settings, multimodal data, social (inter)action, video-based research
- Frick Maria (Principal investigator)
- Grasz Sabine
- Haddington Pentti (Principal investigator), conversation analysis, social interaction, language, video-based research, multimodal data
- Hekanaho Minna
- Helisten Marika, change, everyday settings, multimodal data, participation, professional practices, social (inter)action video-based research
- Hippi Kaarina
- Holmström Mari
- Ibnelkaïd Samira
- Kaan Annariina
- Kamunen Antti, conversation analysis, language, multimodal data, social (inter)action, video-based research
- Kannisto Antti
- Kohonen-Aho Laura, mediated discourse, multimodal data, social (inter)action, technology, video-based research
- Koivisto Tuomo
- Koivistoinen Hilkka
- Kuure Leena, change, educational practices, participation, social (inter)action, technology, nexus analysis
- Kälkäjä Salme
- Kärhö Marjukka
- Leinonen Ivana
- Leskelä Maarit
- Martinviita Annamari, change, leisure activities, mediated discourse, participation, social (inter)action, technology
- Nikkilä Matti
- Nuutinen Elina
- Oittinen Tuire
- Oloff Florence (Principal investigator), conversation analysis, everyday settings, languages, multimodality, social (inter)action, technology
- Ontero Anne
- Pehkonen Samu
- Rauniomaa Mirka (Principal investigator), change, languages, participation, social (inter)action, video-based research
- Rautiainen Iira, languages, mediated discourse, multimodal data, professional practices, social (inter)action
- Riekki Maritta, change, foreign language pedagogy, mediated discourse, nexus analysis, participation
- Råman Joonas
- Räisänen Tiina
- Siitonen Pauliina, conversation analysis, social interaction, languages, video-based research
- Siromaa Maarit
- Sokol Robin
- Spets Heidi
- Suorsa Anna
- Tapio Elina
- Tumelius Riikka
- Tuncer Sylvaine
- Vanhatapio Johanna
- Vatanen Anna, conversation analysis, everyday settings, languages, social interaction, video-based research
- Vellonen-Myllylä, Sirpa