Education, Diversity, Globalisation and Ethics (EDGE)

Education, Diversity, Globalisation and Ethics (EDGE) is a research group which examines the multiple relationships between Education, Diversity, Globalisation and Ethics.
Three girls standing next to each other and smiling. The one girl in the middle of the picture holds a globe on her hands

Contact information

Research group leader

Research group description

Education, Diversity, Globalisation and Ethics (EDGE) is a research group which examines the multiple relationships between Education, Diversity, Globalisation and Ethics. The group is interested in themes around development education and sustainable development goals and processes, ethical intercultural collaboration, epistemological pluralism, cross-cultural dialogue and research-based (teacher) education.

Who we are


Latest news

Dr. Caroline Rau from the University of Bamberg, Germany visiting in the EDGE research group in Spring 2024.

Dr. Caroline Rau visiting in the University of Oulu, June 2024

EDGE history