Audrey Paradis
University lecturer
Education and Globalisation (Edglo)
Global education and gender studies
Faculty of Education and Psychology

Since my PhD about the narratives of autonomy from teachers in Canada and in Finland, my research evolved in different directions. One is about community-based participatory research, researching the methodology itself aiming to use it while researching Indigenous teacher education. I am also involved in researching the narrative methodology to make it more accessible to novice researchers. I am in a collaboration investigating mathematics teaching and collaborative learning. Finally, with a keen interest in social justice, I have collected data over several years to advance minorities issues (such as racism) in higher education.
I have been teaching in the Faculty of Education since 2014, to Edglo and ITE students. I have taught partially or completely around 20 different courses, and supervised more than 25 Bachelor's and Master's thesis. My past education is directly aligned with my current research/teaching, informing my work in a significant way. I completed my Master's of education in 2013, also in the Faculty of Education of the University of Oulu. Before that, I was a high school teachers in the Northwest Territories in Canada for 7 years, where I was teaching senior Mathematics, Physics and Chemisty, and where I also assumed several leadership positions while teaching there. I completed my Bachelor's of education in mathematics and physics, in 2004, from Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada.
Research interests
- Social justice
- Decoloniality
- Indigenous education and teacher education
- Collaborations to shift knowledges production
- Advancing research methodologies and progressive higher education
Researcher information
Research groups
Researcher profiles
Contact information
Phone number
Postal address
P.O.Box 8000
FI-90014 University of Oulu
Tel. +358 294 48 0000
Fax +358 8 344 084