Environmental and Chemical Engineering

Contact information
Research group leader
- Docent, Head of the research unitEsa Muurinen
Research group description
Environmental and Chemical Engineering (ECE) research group provides new scientific knowledge for the development and design of environmentally benign and sustainable materials, unit operations and production processes. Core competence areas are catalysis, separation processes, modelling, and design of sustainable unit operations and processes.
Research areas
Research areas in Environmental and Chemical Engineering research group are
- Catalysis and photocatalysis
- Fuels/chemicals production from biomass and waste streams; H2, biobutanol
- Flue/exhaust gas and water purification
- CO2 utilization (CCS & CCU) - Separation processes
- Separation, purification, recovery, recycling: Membrane technologies, Adsorption, Photocatalysis, Chromatography, Supercritical extraction - Sustainability assessment
- Development of sustainability assessment tools and criteria, especially for social impact evaluation, toxicity, and health effects of emissions - Modelling and simulation
- Process and unit operation design and Fouling of heat exchange surfaces
- CFD, DEM, thermodynamics, kinetics
- Energy efficiency, energy optimization models for real estates - Combining catalysis and separation to hybrid technologies
- Utilization of modelling and sustainability assessment
Application areas of the research areas include the following
- Development and use of unit operations in biorefineries, mining and metallurgical industry, and by SMEs and in Cleantech applications
- Sustainable environmental and process technologies
- Use of renewable and recycled materials, and waste streams; Use of primary, secondary and substitutive materials in materials development
The facilities available at the Environmental and Chemical Enginering research group are grouped by research applications:
- catalytic studies,
- membrane studies,
- separation studies,
- heat transfer studies,
- industrial waste stream utilization,
- computational methods,
- laboratory exercise equipments and
- analysators and other facilities.
For further information, contact the Head of the Unit Esa Muurinen (esa.muurinen(at)oulu.fi).
Doctoral dissertations
Pap, Nora: Value-added processing of blackcurrants : use of membrane technologies for clarification and concentration of blackcurrant juice and extraction of anthocyanins from blackcurrant marc. (Supervisors Prof. Riitta Keiski & Prof. Eva Pongracz)
El Assal, Zouhair: Synthesis and characterization of catalysts for the total oxidation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds. (Prof. Riitta Keiski, Doc. Satu Ojala, Prof. Mohammed Bensitel & Prof. Rachid Brahmi )
Kärkkäinen, Marja-Liisa: Deactivation of oxidation catalysts by sulphur and phosphorus in diesel and gas driven vehicles. (Prof. Riitta Keiski & Doc. Mika Huuhtanen)
Vuokila Ari: CFD modeling of auxiliary fuel injections in the blast furnace tuyere-raceway area. (Prof. Riitta Keiski & Doc. Esa Muurinen)
Mouammine, Anass: (Dissertation at University of Chouaïb Doukkali of El Jadida) (Prof. Rachid Brahmi, Doc. Satu Ojala, prof. Riitta Keiski)
Darif, Bouchra: Synthesis and characterization of catalysts used for the catalytic oxidation of sulfur-containing volatile organic compounds: focus on sulfur-induced deactivation. (Prof. Riitta Keiski, Doc. Satu Ojala, Prof. Rachid Brahmi & Prof. Mohammed Bensitel)
Darif, Bouchra: (Dissertation at University of Chouaïb Doukkali of El Jadida) (Prof. Mohammed Bensitel, Prof. Rachid Brahmi, Doc. Satu Ojala & prof. Riitta Keiski)
Harju-Autti, Pekka: Global cross-national indicator of environmental awareness, and environmental worldviews in organizations, political parties and individuals. (Prof. Riitta Keiski & Prof. Erkki Alasaarela )
Juholin, Piia: Hybrid membrane processes in industrial water treatment: separation and recovery of inorganic compounds. (Prof. Riitta Keiski, Doc. Esa Muurinen, Dr. Junkal Landaburu Aguirre, Dr. Minna Pirilä
Väliheikki, Ari: Resistance of catalytic materials towards chemical impurities. The effect of sulphur and biomaterial-based compounds on the performance of DOC and SCR catalysts. (Riitta Keiski, Doc. Mika Huuhtanen & Doc. Tanja Kolli)
Pirilä, Minna: Adsorption and photocatalysis in water treatment. Active, abundant and inexpensive materials and methods. (Prof. Riitta Keiski & Doc. Toivo Kuokkanen)
Pääkkönen, Tiina: Improving the energy efficiency of processes. Reduction of the crystallization fouling of heat exchangers. (Prof. Riitta Keiski, Doc. Esa muurinen & Prof. Carey Simonson)
Kulju, Timo: Utilization of phenomena-based modeling in unit operation design. (Doc. Esa Muurinen & Prof. Riitta Keiski)
Niemistö, Johanna: Towards sustainable and efficient biofuels production. Use of pervaporation in product recovery and purification. (Prof. Riitta Keiski & Doc. Esa Muurinen)
Hirschmann, Christian: Cantilever-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy in the analysis of volatile organic compounds. (Prof. Riitta Keiski & Doc. Satu Ojala)
Oravisjärvi, Kati: Industry and traffic related particles and their role in human health. (Prof. Riitta Keiski, Prof. Arja Rautio, Prof. Juhani Ruuskanen & Prof. Mauri Haataja)
Pitkäaho, Satu: Catalytic oxidation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds, dichloromethane and perchloroethylene. New knowledge for the industrial CVOC emission abatement. (Prof. Riitta Keiski & Doc. Satu Ojala)
Seelam, Prem Kumar: Hydrogen production by steam reforming of bio-alcohols. The use of conventional and membrane-assisted catalytic reactors. (Prof. Riitta Keiski & Doc. Mika Huuhtanen)
Landaburu-Aguirre, Junkal: Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration for the removal of heavy metals from phosphorous-rich wastewaters. From end-of-pipe to clean technology. (Prof. Riitta Keiski & Doc. Eva Pongracz)
Turunen, Helka: CO₂-balance in the atmosphere and CO₂-utilization: an engineering approach. (Prof. Riitta Keiski)
García, Verónica: Reclamation of VOCs, n-butanol and dichloromethane from sodium chloride containing mixtures by pervaporation. Towards efficient use of resources in the chemical industry (Prof. Riitta Keiski & Doc. Eva Pongracz)
Kröger, Virpi: Poisoning of automotive exhaust gas catalyst components (Principal supervisor Prof. Riitta Keiski)
Huuhtanen, Mika: Zeolite catalysts in reduction of NOx in lean automotive exhaust gas conditions. (Prof. Riitta Keiski)
Kolli, Tanja: Pd/Al2O3-based automotive exhaust gas catalysts: The effect of BaO and OSC material on NOx reduction. (Principal supervisor Prof. Riitta Keiski & Dr. Marina Lindblad)
Ojala, Satu: Catalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds and malodorous organic compounds (Prof. Riitta Keiski)
Lassi, Ulla: Deactivation Correlations of Pd/Rh Three-way Catalysts Designed for Euro IV Emission Limits: Effect of Ageing Atmosphere, Temperature and Time. (Principal supervisor Prof. Riitta Keiski)
Muurinen, Esa: Organosolv pulping, a review and distillation study related to peroxyacid pulping. (Prof. Jorma Sohlo)
Oinas, Pekka A: Study on the validity of mass transfer and reaction models in multiphase systems
Licentiate theses
Ylä-Mella, Jenni: The impact of the WEEE and RoHS directives: Development of a WEEE Recovery Infrastructure in Finland (Supervisors Professor Riitta Keiski and Docent Eva Pongrácz)
Ylönen, Reeta: Regeneratiivisten lämmönvaihtimien vaikutus virtausilmiöihin (Regenerative Heat Exchangers' Influence on Flow Phenomena) (Supervisors Professor Riitta Keiski and D.Sc.(Tech.) Esa Muurinen)
Mikkonen, Helmi: Processing of young shoots of Norway spruce for food applications (Supervisor Professor Riitta Keiski)
Ojala, Satu: Measurement and abatement of volatile organic compounds: Focus on catalytic oxidation (Supervisor Professor Riitta Keiski)
Hendrickx, Tim: Study on the nutrient balance on biofilm composition in the biofilter process on the Taskila waste water treatment plant (Supervisor Professor Riitta Keiski)
Lassi, Ulla: Study of Thermal Deactivation of Three-Way Catalysts: Effect of Aging Temperature, Atmosphere and Time on Catalyst Activity and Structural Properties (Supervisor Professor Riitta Keiski)
Hooli, Kirsi: Separation of lactic acid from fermentation broth (Supervisor Professor Jorma Sohlo)
Isomäki, Ritva: Separation of whey antimicrobial proteins and development of bovine lactoferrin immunoassays (Supervisors Professor Riitta Keiski and Professor Jorma Sohlo)
Ainassaari, Kaisu: Typen ja rikin oksidien hapettavan pesun tasapaino ja kinetiikka (Supervisor Professor Jorma Sohlo)
Jurva, Erkki: Vesi-muurahaishappo-etikkahappo -seosten höyry-neste-faasitasapaino (Supervisor Professor Jorma Sohlo)
Muurinen, Esa: Peroksimuurahaishappoprosessin regenerointi ja prosessisynteesi (Supervisor Professor Jorma Sohlo)
Nelo, Sirpa: Rikkidioksidi-vetyperoksidi systeemin aineensiirtoparametrien määrittäminen ja tutkiminen sekoitusastiassa (Supervisor Professor Jorma Sohlo)
Myllykoski, Liisa: Proteiinien erotusmenetelmät ja erotussekvenssien optimointi (Supervisor Professor Jorma Sohlo)
Heino, Jyrki: Integroidun rikinpoistomenetelmän kalkkikivi-injektion tutkiminen ja kehittäminen (Supervisor Professor Jorma Sohlo)
Diploma thesises
Hotti, Miika: Pystyakselisten tuuliturbiinien integroiminen kiinteistöön (Integrating vertical-axis wind turbines into buildings)
Jackson, Lisa: Measurement and internal utilization of environmental performance data in companies.
Jänkälä, Henna-Maria: Kromiittipellettien sintrausuunin kaasunpuhdistuksen optimointi.
Koskenkangas, Anne: Carbon dioxide emissions of Oulun Energia's district heat production (Oulun Energian kaukolämmön tuotannon hiilidioksidipäästöt)
Lopes da Silva, Felipe: Photocatalysis for the degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) from water by TiO2, In2O3 and Ga2O3
Vainionpää, Niklas: Arizona Chemical Oulu site Lean Odorous Gases (LOG) system optimization (Hajukaasusysteemin toiminnan tehostaminen Arizona Chemical Oy:n Oulun tehtaalla)
Alasalmi, Aleksi: Sellutehtaan sekundäärilämpöjärjestelmän kehittäminen (Improvements considering secondary heat system of a pulp mill)
Isomäki, Niko: Electrocoagulation in the industrial wastewater treatment
Rathnayake, Buddhika: The removal of bisphenol A from wastewater by photocatalytic degradation and hybrid photocatalytic membrane technique
Välitalo, Mikko: Salmisaaren voimalaitoksen käytettävyyteen vaikuttavat tekijät (Availability factors of Salmisaari power plant)
Alaperä, Arttu: Voimalaitoksen raportointijärjestelmän uusiminen (Renovation of power plant's reporting system)
Hanski, Taru: Kaasuntuotannon kannattavuus hevosenlantakuivikeseoksesta hevostallinpitäjän näkökulmasta (Profitability of gas production from horse manure and bedding mixture for stable)
Heikkinen, Antti: Kempeleen rautatieaseman saavutettavuus vuonna 2016 (Accessibility railway station of Kempele in 2016)
Honkala, Elina: Validation and development of a novel draft tube reactor (Uudentyyppisen imuputkireaktorin validointi ja kehitys)
Khan, Imran: Role of aldehydes in biomass combustion and pulp and paper industry
Kujala, Veikko: Ympäristönäkökohtien arviointimenetelmän ja -työkalun kehittäminen ISO 14001-ympäristöjärjestelmän puitteissa (Development of assessment method and tool for environmental aspects in ISO 14001 environmental management system context)
Lahti, Tytti: Phase change solvents in carbon dioxide capture (Hiilidioksidin talteenotto faasiaan muuttavilla liuottimilla)
Miilumäki, Noora: Life cycle assessment of a novel food package solution (Uuden elintarvikepakkauksen elinkaariarviointi)
Sirviö Hannu-Heikki: Juotteenestopinnoitusprosessin parametrien vaikutus pinnoituksen onnistumiseen (Effects of parameters in solder mask applying proces)
Sutinen, Maija-Liisa: The use of electrocoagulation in purification of industrial waters
Uusimäki, Päivi: Kaivosteollisuuden rikkipäästöt ja niiden käsittely (Sulphur emissions and their treatment in mining industry)
Dubatova, Anastasia: Removal of nitrogen compounds from industrial waters by photocatalysis and adsorption
Kemppainen, Lauri: Puhdistusprosessin kehittäminen hiilidioksidilla uutetuille marjan siemenöljyille (Developing the purifying process for berry seed oils extracted by carbon dioxide)
Keskitalo, Esa: Savukaasujen hiilidioksidin talteenottoprosessin vaikutukset olemassa olevaan monipolttoaine-CHP-voimalaitokseen (Flue gas carbon dioxide capture and effects to a multifuel CHP power plant)
Kivipelto, Joni: Concentration of by-product in phosphoric acid production (Sivutuotteen väkevöinti fosforihappotuotannossa)
Kuusela, Saila: Pisaranerotuksen optimointi rikkihappoprosessissa (Optimization of droplet separation in sulphuric acid process)
Mustonen, Silja: Carbon dioxide recovery with activated methyldiethanolamine (Hiilidioksidin talteenotto aktivoidulla metyylidietanoliamiinilla)
Omodara, Linda: Sustainability assessment of Formic acid production: Comparison of CO2 based and conventional processes
Pudas, Henni: Hapen haasteet metallien bioliuotusprosessissa (The challenges of using oxygen in bioheapleaching)
Ruuskanen, Tiina: Kierrätysmateriaaleja hyödyntävien kasvualustojen tuotantoprosessin ympäristö- ja yhteiskunnallinen kustannus-hyötyanalyysi (Environmental and social cost-benefit analysis of substrate production process)
Shafqat, Khawer: Use of photocatalysis for the removal of pesticides from water
Alvarenga Castellanos, Emilio: Bioavailability of Nutriets in Bio-solids
Aquado Sáchez, Álvaro: Standard operating procedure and biofuel characterization by FTIRS techniques
Juntunen, Arttu: Prerequisities of pumped storage hydro power operation in Finland (Pumppuvoiman toimintaedellytykset Suomessa)
Juntunen, Terhi: Hartsivaluprosessin turvallisuuden parantaminen (Increasing the safety of the resin casting process)
Casto Ruiz, Cecilia: Preparation of activated carbons from biomass and their use in adsorption of arsenic
Keränen, Hilkka: Catalytic hydrogenolysis of kraft lignin (Kraft-ligniinin katalyyttinen hydraus)
Kinnunen, Matti: Feasibility study and sustainability assesment for selected CO2 utilizing reaction routes (Käyttökelpoisuus- ja kestävyystarkastelu valituille hiilidioksidia hyötykäyttäville reaktioreiteille)
Koistinen, Antti: Defrosting and heating of softwood chips with saturated steam
Lanteri, Anja: lmapäästöt (SOx, NOx, HCl, F ja P) ja niiden mittausmenetelmät sekä niihin liittyvät standardit, lainsäädäntö ja mittausepävarmuus (Air emissions (SOx, NOx, HCl, F ja P), their measurement techniques and related standards, legislation and measurement uncertainty)
Laurila, Noora-Maria: Deactivation of SCR catalysts in brown coal fired CFB-boilers (SCR-katalyytin deaktivoituminen ruskohiiltä polttavissa CFB-kattiloissa)
Ohtonen, Arttu: Hyötyvoimalan pohjatuhkan karakterisointi, käsittely ja hyötykäyttö
Perälä, Paula :The effect of European Union sustainability criteria on the use of wood as a fuel in CHP plants (Euroopan Unionin kestävyyskriteerien vaikutus puun käyttöön polttoaineena CHP-laitoksilla)
Piippo, Sari: Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in sparsely populated Northern areas: Developing an MSWM strategy for the city of Kostomuksha, Russian Federation (Yhdyskuntajätehuolto pohjoisilla harvaanasutuilla alueilla: Yhdyskuntajätehuoltostrategian kehittäminen Venäjän Kostamuksen kaupungille)
Veijola, Jenni: Kylmäagglomeroidun masuunibriketin sideaineen lujittuminen (The strengthening of cement in a cold agglomerated blast furnace briquette)
Caló, Antonio: Assessing the potential for smart energy grids in the Northern Periphery
Casanovas Tarda, Judit: Preconcentration of heavy metals by Donnan dialysis
Chamilos, Ioannis: Resource efficiency in an urban context: Defining the framework of eco-municipalities
Hakkarainen, Hannu: Raskasmetallien tunnistus yhdyskuntajätevedestä sähkökemiallisella mittauksella (Identification of heavy metals from wastewater using electrochemical measurement)
Hirvelä, Kristian: Bioetanolin loppukonsentrointi pervaporaatiolla (Pervaporation as a bioethanol dehydration method)
Huhtala, Jukka: Katalyyttien valmistus, karakterisointi ja aktiivisuuden testaus korkean lämpötilan NH3-SCR-kohteisiin (Preparation, characterization and activity testing of catalysts for high temperature NH3-SCR applications)
Kaiponen, Lasse: Taalintehtaan askelpalkkiuunin virtausmallinnus (CFD modeling of Taalintehdas walking-beam-type slab reheating furnace)
Kauppila, Heidi: Jätehuollon kehittämisen strategiset suunnat ja lainsäädännön asettamat velvoitteet kauppaketjuille (Strategic waste management planning and legislative constraints for retail chains)
Kumar, Haresh: Utilization of carbon dioxide in beneficiation of PGE minerals
Kurtti, Hanna: Ympäristöjärjestelmä Kittilän kaivokselle (Environmental Management System to Kittilä Mine)
Maaninka, Jukka: Non-process element control in sodium chlorate process (Kloraattiprosessin epäpuhtauksien hallinta)
Mouammine, Anass: Partial oxidation of methanol and methyl mercaptan
Ritamäki, Johannes: Jätemateriaalit hiilidioksidin talteenotossa ja varastoinnissa (Waste material mediated CO₂ capture and storage)
Vaarala, Reijo: Kävely ja pyöräily kaavoituksessa (Walking and cycling in land use planning)
Väliheikki, Ari: Kaliumin ja natriumin aiheuttama NH3-SCR-katalyytin myrkyttyminen
(NH3-SCR catalyst poisoning caused by potassium and sodium)
Agosti, Federico: Hydrogen from C2-C4 alcohols by steam reforming
Auer, Eero: Kiinteiden biopolttoaineiden käyttö energiantuotannossa – Ratkaisuja käytännön ongelmiin (Usage of solid biofuels in energy production – Solutions for hands-on problems)
Hiltunen, Jussi: Photocatalytic hydrogen production using titanium dioxide based photocatalysts (Vedyn tuotanto valokatalyyttisesti titaanidioksidipohjaisilla valokatalyyteillä)
Häyrynen, Piia: The simultaneous removal of heavy metals by Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration (MEUF) (Raskasmetallien poistaminen jätevedestä miselliavusteisella ultrasuodatuksella)
Kauriinoja, Anu: Small-scale biomass-to-energy solutions for northern periphery areas (Pienen mittakaavan biomassan energiahyötykäyttö-ratkaisuja pohjoisen periferian alueelle)
Kujala, Jaana: Polttokattilan lämpöpinnoilla ja savukaasujen katalyyttisessa puhdistuksessa tapahtuvien reaktioiden mallintaminen (Reaction modeling on heat transfer surfaces and catalytic NOx reduction)
Lehtola, Tuomas: Argon -pohjahuuhtelun virtausmallinnus CAS-OB –prosessissa (CFD –modelling of argon –stirring in CAS-OB -process factory of the Department of Process and Environmental Engineering)
Myllykoski, Hanna: Metallipitoisten teollisuusjätevesien yhteiskäsittely. Laitoskohtaisten päästöjen ja erotustehokkuuden määritys (Joint treatment of metalliferous industrial waste waters)
Nevanperä, Tuomas: Membranes in gas separation, especially for H2, CO2, and CH4 containing streams (Membraanit vetyä, hiilidioksidia ja metaania sisältävien kaasuvirtausten erotuksessa)
Niiranen, Risto: Magneettisten nanohiukkasten valmistaminen kaasufaasisynteesillä (CVS) (Preparation of magnetic nanoparticles by chemical vapour synthesis (CVS))
Talvitie, Mari-Leena: Altia Oyj:n Koskenkorvan tehtaan vesikierrot (Water cycles in Altia Oyj Koskenkorva plant)
Tuikka, Henri: Energianhallintajärjestelmä ja tuotannon optimointi sähkön ja lämmön yhteistuotannossa (Energy Management System and Production Optimization in Combined Heat and Power Production)
Vidgren, Hanne: Biomassan kaasutuksen jäännöshiilien käyttö aktiivihiilen raaka-aineena (Carbon residue from the biomass gasification process as a precursor for activated carbon production)
Viitanen, Mikko: Optimization and scale-up of tangential flow filtration of bone protein extract (Luuproteiiniuutteen tangentiaalivirtaussuodatusprosessin optimointi ja siirto tuotantomittakaavaan)
Vuorikari, Kasperi: Si- ja Si-Cu-nanokomposiittihiukkasten valmistaminen kemiallisella kaasusynteesillä (Preparation of Si and Si-Cu nanocomposite particles by chemical vapor synthesis)
Ahonen, Teemu: Maitohappobakteeri-prosessin optimointi vierrepohjaista juomaa varten (Process optimisation of lactic acid bacteria for wort based beverage)
Avila, Anna: Catalytic activity and stability of noble metal loaded carbon nanotubes in the removal of NOX (Jalometalliladattujen hiilinanoputkien katalyyttinen aktiivisuus ja kestävyys typen oksidien poistossa)
Hirschmann, Christian: Performance Evaluation and Comparing of Novel Infrared Photoacoustic Device for Industrial Gas Analyses
Halonen, Ville: Preparation of ethylene oxide in a microreactor (Eteenioksidin valmistus mikroreaktorissa)
Malo, Laura: Dispersiopäällystetyn barrierkartongin hiilitase (Carbon balance of dispersion coated barrier board)
Miettunen, Heikki: Rikkipitoisten hajukaasujen käsittely (Treatment of sulphur containing odorous gases)
Myllyoja, Jouko: Assessing the market potential of environmental innovations
Torppa, Erkki: Muurahaishapon talteenotto laimeasta vesiliuoksesta (Recovery of formic acid from dilute aqueous solution)
Ylitalo, Kari: Valokatalyysilaitteiston suunnittelu, rakentaminen ja testaus (Design, construction and testing of a photocatalytic reactor)
Vuokila, Ari: Wood gasification to produce electricity for small-scale use
Baena Rubio, Jose Manuél: Bioethanol Reforming – Product Gas Purification
Baliñas Gavira, Alejandro: Hydrogen production by reforming using biomass -based raw-materials
Ervasti, Satu: Rikin sitoutuminen meesauunissa ja sen vaikutus natriumbisulfiitin valmistukseen (Sulfur capture in a lime kiln and effects on sodium bisulfite manufacture)
Girsén, Tuomas: Jäähdytysosan teknillistaloudellinen tarkastelu lannoiteprosessissa (The techno-economic examination of cooling section in fertilizer process)
Kemppainen, Jukka: Biopohjaisten poltto- ja voiteluaineiden sisältämien katalyyttimyrkkyjen vaikutus autojen pakokaasukatalyyttien toimintaan (The effect of catalyst poisons originating from bio-based fuels and lubricants on automotive exhaust gas catalysts)
Kinnunen, Kati: Bioetanolin reformointi polttikennoon soveltuvan vedyn valmistusmenetelmänä (Bioethanol reforming in producing hydrogen for fuel cell applications)
Kokko, Maarit: Lipidien erottaminen mikrobisoluista (Separation of lipids from microbial cells)
Niskala, Niina: Formaldehydin valmistus metanolista ja merkaptaaneista (Converting methanol and mercaptans to formaldehyde)
Petänen, Antti: Sellu- ja paperitehtaan ympäristöriskikartoitus (Environmental risk analysis of an integrated pulp and paper mill)
Prokkola, Pirjo: Mikrobikasvu betonimateriaaleissa (Microbial growth on concrete building materials)
Päkkilä, Johanna M: Production of biofuels by clostridium fermentation (Biopolttoaineiden tuottaminen fermentoimalla)
Taskila, Jarkko: Kloraattiprosessin vesitaseen hallinta eri toimipisteissä(Controlling the water balance of chlorate process)
Tauriainen, Jukka: Lämmönvaihtimen partikkelinen likaantuminen (Particulate fouling of heat exchanges)
Vilhunen, Ossi: Muotokappaleiden vaikutus lämmönvaihtimen päädyn irtausjakaumaan (Flow distribution in heat exchanger header with shape element)
Hallikainen, Anne: Pakokaasukatalyyttien rikkimyrkyttyminen (Sulphur poisoning of exhaust gas catalysts)
Koskinen, Rauli: Ylikriittisen hiilidioksidin käyttö liuottimena kemiallisissa reaktioissa (The Use of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in Chemical Reactions)
Ovaskainen, Simo-Pekka: Numerical modelling of flow distribution in plate heat exchangers
Patosalmi, Outi: Lämpöarvojen määritys VOC-yhdisteille kaasufaasissa - menetelmäkehitys (Determination of the lower heating value of VOC emissions - methodology development)
Pitkäaho, Satu: Catalytic incineration of chlorinated volatile organic compounds
Sarvanko, Jyrki: Mustalipeälämmönsiirtimien likaantuminen: kerrostumien muodostuminen, vaikutus mitoitukseen ja kontrollointimenetelmät (Foulding of black liqour heat exchangers: scaling, influence on design and control methods)
Siponen, Taina: Dieselmoottorin pienhiukkaspäästöjen määrittäminen ja hiuk kaspäästöjen terveysvaikutukset (Evaluation of particulate matter emitted from diesel engines and the health effects of these particulates)
Suominen, Timo: Resistin paksuusvaihtelu suurella levyllä (Resist thickness variation on a large area substrate)
Aho Jani: Lämmönsiirtopinnan karheuden yhteys koksaantumiseen (Effect of surface roughness on coking)
Kaiponen, Anna: Formerin vedenpoistokaluston optimointi (Optimization of forming section dewatering elements)
Kanala, Heidi: Application of membrane technology in waste water treatment of a fine chemical plant
Heikkinen Virpi: Laajennetun DLVO-teorian soveltaminen TiO2:n sulfaattiprosessin likaantuviin lämmönsiirtopintoihin (Extended DLBO theory approach on the fouling of heat transfer surfaces in TiO2 sulphate process)
Häyrynen, Katri: Evaluation of reverse osmosis and nanofiltration to concentrate nutrients in mine water for their subsequent biological treatment (Käänteisosmoosi ja nanosuodatus kaivosvesien ravinteiden konsentroinnissa vesien biologista käsittelyä varten)
Kivijärvi, Marjo: Rasvahappoesterin jatkuvatoiminen valmistaminen (Continuous production of fatty acid esters)
Oikarinen, Eero: Lämmönvaihtimen suunnittelu (Heat exchanger design)
Ritvonen, Tapio: Rakeenkasvuinhibiittoreiden saostus kobolttioksidiin (Precipitation of grain growth inhibitors into cobalt oxide)
Tilus, Jussi: Sulfaattitasapainon hallinta peittaushappojen regeneroinnissa (Sulphate balance controlling in pickling acid recovery process)
Ylimaunu, Maria: Painekuumennuslaitoksen merkitys sulfaattiselluloosatehtaan kemikaalikierrossa ja laitoksen toiminnan optimointi (The influence of liquor heat treatment plant on circulation of chemicals in kraft pulp mill and optimizing the process)
Bogard, Hélène: Installation of a Catalytic Incinerator at Stora Enso Oulu Pulp Mill
Heikkinen, Johanna: Fouling of black liquor evaporators: Thermodynamic calculations and molecular modelling of sodium salts
Hihnala Perttu: Preparation of cobalt oxide nanopowders by hydrothermal oxidation (Kobolttioksidinanopulverien hydroterminen valmistus)
Kurvinen, Mari: Natiivin β-laktoglobuliinin erotus- ja puhdistusprosessin kehittäminen (Separation and purification process development for β-lactoglobulin)
Kynkäänniemi, Katri: Phoshorus poisoning of platinum metal oxide catalysts in diesel conditions (Platina-metallioksidikatalyyttien fosforimyrkyttyminen dieselolosuhteissa)
Olgyaiová, Kristina: Analysing the environmental awareness in Czech companies, Comparison with Finland
Poikela, Kari: Teollisuusjätteen hyödyntäminen Oulun seudulla: Uudet liiketoimintamahdollisuudet (Utilization of industrial waste in Oulu region: New business opportunities)
Pääkkönen, Tiina M.: Modelling of heat transfer and fluid flow in plate heat exchanger (Lämmönsiirron ja virtauksen mallinnus levylämmönvaihtimessa)
Saartoala, Jukka: Thermal Ageing and Regeneration of Pd-Rh Three-way Catalyst (Pd-Rh-kolmitoimikatalyytin terminen ikäytyminen ja regeneroituminen)
Välimäki, Marja: Examination of gravure printed films for polymer light-emitted devices
Järveläinen, Jarno:Ohran jäähdytys mallastusprosessissa (Barley cooling in malting environment)
Keski-Sipilä, Matti: Agglomeroitumisen ja ydintymisen hallinta koboltin ja nikkelin pelkistyksessä (Control of agglomeration and initiation in cobalt and nickel reduction)
Koivisto, Outi: Hydrocarbon emissions in lean burn spark ignited gas engine: formation mechanisms and effects of operating variables (Kipinäsytytteisen laihaseoskaasumoottorin hiilivetypäästöt: muodostumismekanismit ja toimintamuuttujien vaikutukset)
Lehtimäki, Tiina: Termodynaamisten laskentamenetelmien vertailu, esimerkkireaktioina höyry- ja CO2-reformointi sekä metanolisynteesi (Comparison of thermodynamic calculation methods in the case of steam and CO2 reformation and methanol synthesis)
Lindholm, Minna: Lämmönvaihtimen likaantuminen titaanidioksidipigmentin valmistusprosessissa (Fouling of heat-exchangers in the production of the titanium dioxide pigments)
Lyytinen, Jukka: Pkt-yritysverkoston alueellisen ympäristöjärjestelmän mahdollisuudet; Esimerkkinä Varpaisjärven Berliinin teollisuusalue (The opprtunities of a regional environmental management system in a small and medium-sized enterprise network; Case study of the Berliini Industrial Area in Varpaisjärvi)
Mikkola, Teemu: Jätteen vähentämisen strategiaohjelma teollisuuden ympäristöjohtamisen työkaluna (Strategic waste minimization as a tool of industrial environmental management)
Murtoniemi, Juha: Panimon vesitase ja veden kierrätys (Brewery water balance and water re-use)
Mäki, Timo: Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kasvihuonekaasutase (The greenhouse gas balance of Northern Ostrobothnia)
Journal articles
Cruz GJF, Matějová L, Pirilä M, Ainassaari K, Canepa CA, Solis J, Cruz JF, Šolcová O, Keiski RL (2015) A comparative study on activated carbons derived from a broad range of agro-industrial wastes in removal of large-molecular-size organic pollutants in aqueous phase. Water Air Soil Pollut 226:214.
Drif A, Bion N, Brahmi R, Ojala S, Turpeinen E, Seelam PK, Pirault-Roy L, Keiski R, Epron F (2015) Study of the dry reforming of methane and ethanol using Rh catalysts supported on doped alumina. Applied Catalysis A: General, in press, Available online 19 February.
Miettunen H, Heiskanen K, Keiski RL (2015) A few aspects of the connections between ore mineralogy and flotation results at Hitura nickel mine in Finland. - Minerals & metallurgical processing 32 (1), 38-44 .
Ojala S, Koivikko N, Laitinen T, Mouammine A, Seelam PK, Laassiri S, Ainassaari K, Brahmi R, Keiski RL (2015) Utilization of volatile organic compounds as an alternative for destructive abatement. Catalysts 5, 1092-1151.
Pietikäinen M, Väliheikki A, Oravisjärvi K, Kolli T, Huuhtanen M, Niemi S, Virtanen S, Karhu T, Keiski RL (2015) Particle and NOx emissions of a non-road diesel engine with an SCR unit: the effect of fuel. Renewable Energy 77, 377-385.
Pääkkönen TM, Riihimäki M, Simonson CJ, Muurinen E, Keiski RL (2015) Modeling CaCO3 crystallization fouling on a heat exchanger surface - Definition of fouling layer properties and model parameters. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 83, 84-98.
Rautio A-R, Seelam PK, Mäki-Arvela P, Huuhtanen M, Keiski RL, Kordas K (2015) Carbon supported catalysts in low temperature steam reforming of ethanol: Study of catalyst performance. RSC Advances 5, 49487-49492
Seelam PK, Rautio A-R, Huuhtanen M, Kordás K, Keiski RL. (2015) Low temperature steam reforming of ethanol over advanced carbon nanotube based catalysts. Green Processing and Synthesis, in press,10.1515/gps-2015-0014.
Sotto A, Orcajo G, Arsuaga JM, Calleja G, Landaburu-Aguirre J (2015) Preparation and characterization of MOF-PES ultrafiltration membranes. - Journal of Applied Polymer Science 132 (21), 41663
Saavalainen P, Kabra S, Turpeinen E, Oravisjärvi K, Yadav GD, Keiski RL, Pongracz E (2015) Sustainability assessment of chemical processes : evaluation of three synthesis routes of DMC. Journal of chemistry (2015) 12 p.
García V, Häyrynen P, Landaburu-Aguirre J, Pirilä M, Keiski RL, Urtiaga A (2014) Purification techniques for the recovery of valuable compounds from acid mine drainage and cyanide tailings: application of green engineering principles. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 89, 803-813
Mohl M, Dombovari A, Tuchina ES, Petrov PO, Bibikova OA, Skovorodkin I, Popov AP, Rautio A-R, Sarkar A, Mikkola J-P, Huuhtanen M, Vainio S, Keiski RL, Prilepsky A, Kukovecz A, Konya Z, Tuchin VV, Kordas K (2014) Titania nanofibres in gypsum composites: an antibacterial and cytotoxicology study. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2, 1307–1316
Oravisjärvi K, Pietikäinen M, Ruuskanen J, Niemi S, Lauren M, Voutilainen A, Keiski RL, Rautio A (2014) Diesel particle composition after exhaust after-treatment of an off-road diesel engine and modeling of deposition into the human lung. Journal of Aerosol Science 69, 32–47
Reinik J, Heinmaa I, Ritamäki J, Boström D, Pongrácz E, Huuhtanen M, Larsson W, Keiski RL, Kordás K, Mikkola J-P (2014) Direct CO2 sequestration onto alkaline modified oil shale fly ash. Oil Shale 31(1), 79–90
Rozicka A, Niemistö J, Keiski RL, Kujawski W (2014) Apparent and intrinsic properties of commercial PDMS based membranes in pervaporative removal of acetone, butanol and ethanol from binary aqueous mixtures. Journal of Membrane Science 453, 108-118
Vuokila A, Riihimäki M, Muurinen E (2014) CFD‐Modeling of Heavy Oil Injection into Blast Furnace – Atomization and Mixing in Raceway‐Tuyere Area. Steel Research International 85 (4), 1–8
Väliheikki A, Petallidou KC, Kalamaras CM, Kolli T, Huuhtanen M, Maunula T, Keiski RL, Efstathiou AM (2014), Selective catalytic reduction of NOx by hydrogen (H2-SCR) on WOx-promoted CezZr1-zO2 solids. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 156–157, 72–83
Ylä-Mella J, Poikela K, Lehtinen U, Keiski RL, Pongrácz E (2014) Implementation of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive in Finland: Evaluation of the collection network and challenges of the effective WEEE management. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 86, 38–46
Ylä-Mella J, Poikela K, Lehtinen U, Tanskanen P, Román E, Keiski RL, Pongrácz E (2014) Overview of the WEEE Directive and its implementation in the Nordic countries: national realisations and best practices. - Journal of Waste Management 2014, 18 p.
El Assal Z, Pitkäaho S, Ojala S, Maache R, Bensitel M, Pirault-Roy L, Brahmi R, Keiski RL (2013) Total oxidation of dichloromethane over metal oxide catalysts. Topics in catalysis 56, 679-687
García V, Pongrácz E, Phillips PS, Keiski RL (2013) From waste treatment to resource efficiency in the chemical industry: Recovery of organic solvents from waters containing electrolytes by pervaporation. Journal of Cleaner Production 39, 146-153
García V, Valkama H, Sliz R, King AWT, Myllylä R, Kilpeläinen I, Keiski RL (2013) Pervaporation recovery of [AMIM]Cl during wood dissolution; effect of [AMIM]Cl properties on the membrane performance. Journal of Membrane Science 444, 9-15
Hirschmann CB, Lehtinen J, Uotila J, Ojala S, Keiski RL (2013) Sub-ppb detection of formaldehyde with cantilever enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy using quantum cascade laser source. Applied Physics B: Laser and Optics 111, 603-610
Hirschmann CB, Sinisalo S, Uotila J, Ojala S, Keiski RL (2013) Trace gas detection of benzene, toluene, p-, m- and o-xylene with a compact measurement system using cantilever enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy and optical parametric oscillator. Vibrational spectroscopy 68, 170-176
Honkanen M, Kärkkäinen M, Viitanen V, Jiang H, Kallinen K, Huuhtanen M, Vippola M, Lahtinen J, Keiski RL, Lepistö T (2013) Structural characteristics of natural-gas-vehicle-aged oxidation catalyst. Topics in Catalysis 56, 576-585
Kulju T, Ollila S, Keiski RL, Muurinen E (2013) Three phase CFD-simulation of CAS-OB ladle. Materials Science Forum 762, 248-252
Kärkkäinen M, Honkanen M, Viitanen V, Kolli T, Valtanen A, Huuhtanen M, Kallinen K, Vippola M, Lepistö T, Lahtinen J, Keiski RL (2013) Deactivation of diesel oxidation catalysts by sulphur in laboratory and engine-bench scale aging. Topics in Catalysis 56, 672-678
Lehtinen J, Hirschmann CB, Keiski RL, Kuusela T (2013) Human Hair in the Identification of Cocaine Abuse with Cantilever-Enhanced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis. Applied spectroscopy 67, 846-850
Maache R, Brahmi R, Pirault-Roy L, Ojala S Bensitel M. Oxygen storage capacity of Pt–CeO2 and Pt–Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 catalysts (2013) Topics in Catalysis 56, 658-661
Matějová L, Topka P, Kaluža L, Pitkäaho S, Ojala S, Gaálová J, Keiski RL (2013) Total oxidation of dichloromethane and ethanol over ceria-zirkonia mixed oxide supported platinum and gold catalysts. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 142-143, 54-64
Mouammine A, Ojala S, Pirault-Roy L, Bensitel M, Keiski RL, Brahmi R (2013) Catalytic partial oxidation of methanol and methyl mercaptan: Studies on the selectivity of TiO2 and CeO2 supported V2O5 catalysts. Topics in catalysis 56, 650-657
Niemistö J, Kujawski W, Keiski R.L. (2013) Pervaporation performance of composite poly(dimethyl siloxane) membrane for butanol recovery from model solutions. Journal of Membrane Science 434, 55-64
Niemistö J, Pasanen A, Hirvelä K, Myllykoski L, Muurinen E, Keiski RL (2013) Pilot study of bioethanol dehydration with polyvinyl alcohol membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 477, 119-127
Niemistö J, Saavalainen P, Pongrácz E, Keiski RL (2013) Biobutanol as a potential sustainable biofuel - Assessment of lignocellulosic and waste-based feedstocks. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems 1(2), 58-77
Nurmesniemi H, Pöykiö R, Dahl O. Keiski RL (2013) Use of the BCR sequential extraction procedure for element fractionation in activated sludge from the pulp and paper mill. Chemija 24(1), 39-47
Pirilä M, Lenkkeri R, Goldmann WM, Kordás K, Huuhtanen M, Keiski RL (2013) Photocatalytic degradation of butanol in aqueous solutions by TiO2 nanofibers. Topics in Catalysis 56, 630-636
Pitkäaho S, Nevanperä T, Matejova L, Ojala S, Keiski RL (2013) Oxidation of dichloromethane over Pt, Pd, Rh, and V2O5 catalysts supported on Al2O3, Al2O3-TiO2 and Al2O3-CeO2. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 138-139(7), 33-42
Pääkkönen TM, Ojaniemi U, Riihimäki M, Muurinen E, Simonson CJ, Keiski RL (2013) Surface patterning of stainless steel in prevention of fouling in heat transfer equipment. Materials Science Forum 762, 493-500
Väliheikki A, Kolli T, Huuhtanen M. Maunula T, Kinnunen T, Keiski RL (2013) The effect of biofuel originated potassium and sodium on the NH3-SCR activity of Fe–ZSM-5 and W–ZSM-5 catalysts. Topics in Catalysis 56, 602-610
Cruz G, Pirilä M, Huuhtanen M, Carrión L, Alvarenga E, Keiski RL (2012) Production of Activated Carbon from Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Pod Husk. Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering 2 (2)
Häyrynen P, Landaburu-Aguirre J, Pongrácz E, Keiski RL (2012) Study of permeate flux in micellarenhanced ultrafiltration on a semi-pilot scale: Simultaneous removal of heavy metals from phosphorous rich real wastewaters. Separation and Purification Technology 93, 59-66
Koskinen R, Turunen H, Tiitta M, Keiski RL (2012) Extended activity of zeolite catalysts with CO2 as reaction medium. Chemical engineering journal 213, 235-244.
Kukkola J, Mohl M, Leino A-R, Toth G, Wu M-C, Shchukare A, Popov A, Mikkola J-P, Lauri J, Riihimäki M, Lappalainen J, Jantunen H, Kordas K (2012) Inkjet-printed gas sensors: metal decorated WO3 nanoparticles and their gas sensing properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (34), 17878-17886
Landaburu-Aguirre J, Pongrácz E, Sarpola A, Keiski RL (2012) Simultaneous removal of heavy metals from phosphorous rich real wastewaters by micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration. Separation and Purification Technology 88, 130-137
Liguori S, Pinacci P, Seelam P.K, Keiski RL, Drago F, Calabrò V, Basile A, Iulianelli A (2012) Performance of a Pd/PSS membrane reactor to produce high purity hydrogen via WGS reaction. Catalysis Today 193 (1), 87-94
Miettunen H, Kaukonen R, Corin K, Ojala S, Keiski RL (2012) Effect of reducing grinding conditions on the flotation behavior of low-S content PGE ores. Minerals Engineering 36-38, 195-203
Niemelä M, Pitkäaho S, Ojala S, Keiski R, Perämäki P (2012) Microwave-assisted aqua regia digestion for determining platinum, palladium, rhodium and lead in catalyst materials. Microchemical journal 101, 75-79.
Nurmesniemi H, Pöykiö R, Manskinen K, Keiski RL (2012) Comparison of the forest fertilizer properties of the ash fraction from the co-firing of peat and forest residues at a large-sized (246 MW) combustion plant of pulp and paper mill complex. Chemistry for Sustainable Development 20 (2), 235-242
Ojaniemi U, Riihimäki M, Manninen M, Pättikangas T (2012) Wall function model for particulate fouling applying XDLVO theory. Chemical engineering science 84, 57-69
Pap N, Mahosenaho M, Pongrácz E, Mikkonen H, Jaakkola M, Virtanen V, Myllykoski L, Horváth-Hovorka Z, Hodúr C, Vatai G, Keiski RL (2012) Effect of Ultrafiltration on Anthocyanin and Flavonol Content of Black Currant Juice (Ribes nigrum L.). Food and Bioprocess Technology 5 (3), 921-928
Pitkäaho S, Matejova L, Jiratova K, Ojala S, Keiski RL (2012) Oxidation of perchloroethylene - Activity and selectivity of Pt, Pd, Rh, and V2O5 catalysts supported on Al2O3, Al2O3-TiO2 and Al2O3-CeO2. Part 2. Applied catalysis B: Environmental 126, 215-224
Pitkäaho S, Matejova L, Ojala S, Gaalova J, Keiski RL (2012) Oxidation of perchloroethylene - Activity and selectivity of Pt, Pd, Rh, and V2O5 catalysts supported on Al2O3, Al2O3-TiO2 and Al2O3-CeO2. Applied catalysis B: Environmental 113-114, 150-159
Päkkilä J, Kujawski W, Keiski RL (2012) Pervaporation performance of composite PDMS membrane for butanol production. Procedia engineering 44, 1486–1487
Pääkkönen TM, Riihimäki M, Simonson CJ, Muurinen E, Keiski RL (2012) Crystallization fouling of CaCO3 - Analysis of experimental thermal resistance and its uncertainty. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (23-24), 6927-6937
Seelam PK, Liguori S, Iulianelli A, Pinacci P, Calabrò V, Huuhtanen M, Keiski R, Piemonte V, Tosti S, Falco M, Basile A (2012) Hydrogen production from bio-ethanol steam reforming reaction in a Pd/PSS membrane reactor. Catalysis Today 193 (1), 42-48
Hirschmann CB, Koivikko NS, Raittila J, Tenhunen J, Ojala S, Rahkamaa-Tolonen K, Marbach R, Hirschmann S, Keiski RL (2011) FT-IR-cPAS—New Photoacoustic Measurement Technique for Analysis of Hot Gases: A Case Study on VOCs. Sensors 11 (5), 5270-5289
Iulianelli A, Seelam PK, Liguori S, Longo T, Keiski R, Calabrò V, Basile A (2011) Hydrogen production for PEM fuel cell by gas phase reforming of glycerol as byproduct of bio-diesel. The use of a Pd-Ag membrane reactor at middle reaction temperature. International journal of hydrogen energy 36 (6), 3827-3834
Kolli T, Huuhtanen M, Kanerva T, Vippola M, Kallinen K, Kinnunen T, Lepistö T, Lahtinen J, Keiski RL (2011) The Effect of Sulphur and Water Treatments on the Performance of Pd/β-Zeolite Diesel Oxidation Catalysts. Topics in Catalysis 54 (16-18), 1185-1189
Landaburu-Aguirre J, Pongrácz E, Keiski RL (2011) Separation of cadmium and copper from phosphorous rich synthetic waters by micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration. Separation and Purification Technology 81, 41-48
Koivikko N, Laitinen T, Ojala S, Pitkäaho S, Kucherov A, Keiski RL (2011) Formaldehyde production from methanol and methyl mercaptan over titania and vanadia based catalysts. Applied catalysis B: Environmental 103, 72-78
Ojala S, Bion N, Baylet A, Tarighi M, Keiski R, Duprez D (2011) Correlation between oxygen activation and methane oxidation over Pd/Al2O3 catalysts prepared by nitrite method. Applied catalysis B: Environmental 108-109, 22-31
Ojala S, Pitkäaho S, Laitinen T, Niskala N, Brahmi R, Gaalova J, Matejova l, Kucherov A, Päivärinta S, Hirschmann C, Nevanperä T, Riihimäki M, Pirilä M, Keiski R (2011) Catalysis in VOC abatement. Topics in Catalysis 54 (16-18), 1224-1256
Oravisjärvi K, Pietikäinen M, Ruuskanen J, Rautio A, Vuotilainen A, Keiski RL (2011) Effects of physical activity on the deposition of traffic-related particles into the human lungs in silico. Science of the total environment 409 (21), 4511-4518
Pirilä M, Martikainen M, Ainassaari K, Kuokkanen T, Keiski R (2011) Removal of aqueous As(III)and As(V) by hydrous titanium dioxide. Journal of colloid and interface science 353 (1), 257-262
Reinik J, Heinmaa I, Kirso U, Kallaste T, Ritamaki J, Bostrom Dan, Pongracz E, Huuhtanen M, Larsson W, Keiski R, Kordas K, Mikkola J-P (2011) Alkaline modified oil shale fly ash: Optimal synthesis conditions and preliminary tests on CO2 adsorption. Journal of hazardous materials 196, 180-186
Pitkäaho S, Ojala Satu, Maunula T, Savimäki A, Kinnunen T, Keiski RL (2011) Oxidation of dichloromethane and perchloroethylene as single compounds and in mixtures. Applied catalysis B: Environmental 102, 395-403
Pitkäaho S, Ojala S, Kinnunen T, Silvonen R, Keiski RL (2011) Catalytic Oxidation of Dichloromethane and Perchloroethylene: Laboratory and Industrial Scale Studies. Topics in Catalysis 54, 1257-1265
Kvist S, Pongrácz E, Keiski R (2011) Drivers of solid waste minimisation in Finnish metal engineering SMEs: the role of Environmental Management Systems. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 7 (3/4), 356-369
Kulju T, Pyykkönen J, Martin DC, Muurinen E, Keiski RL (2011) CFD-Simulation of Film Boiling at Steel Cooling Process. Journal of ASTM International (JAI) 8 (8), 1-12
Kulju T, Riihimäki M, Pääkkönen TM, Vilhunen O, Lipiäinen K, Muurinen E, Keiski R (2011) Flow Modifiers for Preventing Sedimentation in Heat Exchangers. Journal of Fluids Engineering 133 (10)
García V, Päkkilä J, Ojamo H, Muurinen E, Keiski RL (2011) Challenges in biobutanol production: How to improve the efficiency?. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 15, 964-980
Wu M-C, Hiltunen J, Sápi, A, Avila A, Larsson W, Liao H-C, Huuhtanen M, Tóth G, Shchukarev A, Laufer N, Kukovecz Á, Kónya Z, Mikkola J-P, Keiski R, Su W-F, Chen Y-F, Jantunen H, Ajayan PM, Vajtai R, Kordás K (2011) Nitrogen-Doped Anatase Nanofibers Decorated with Noble Metal Nanoparticles for Photocatalytic Production of Hydrogen. ACS Nano 5 (6), 5025-5030
Wu M-C, Sápi A, Avila A, Szabó M, Hiltunen J, Huuhtanen M, Tóth G, Kukovecz Á, Kónya Z, Keiski R, Su W-F, Jantunen H, Kordás K (2011) Enhanced photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanofibers and their flexible composite films: Decomposition of organic dyes and efficient H2 generation from ethanol-water mixtures. Nano Research 4 (4), 360-369
Basile Angelo B, Keiski RL. (2010) COST Action 543 'Research and development of bioethanol processing for fuel cells, bioethanol'. International journal of hydrogen energy 35, 12579
Dowling DP, Nwankire CE, Riihimäki M, Keiski R, Nylén U (2010) Evaluation of the antifouling properties of nm thick atmospheric plasma deposited coatings. Surface and coatings technology 205 (5), 1544-1551
Halonen N, Rautio A, Leino A-R, Kyllönen T, Tóth G, Lappalainen J, Kordás K, Huuhtanen M, Keiski RL, Sápi A, Szabó M, Kukovecs A, Kónya Z, Kiricsi I, Pulickel M A, Vajtai R (2010) Three-dimensional carbon nanotubescaffolds as particulate filters and catalyst support membranes. ACS Nano 4 (4), 2003-2008
Hernández Carucci J, Halonen V, Eränen K, Wärnå J, Ojala S, Huuhtanen M, Keiski R, Salmi T (2010) Ethylene oxide formation in a microreactor: From qualitative kinetics to detailed modeling. Industrial & engineering chemistry research 49, 10897-10907
Hirschmann CB, Uotila J, Ojala, S, Tenhunen J, Keiski RL (2010) Fourier Transform Infrared Photoacoustic Multicomponent Gas Spectroscopy with Optical Cantilever Detection. Applied spectroscopy 64 (3), 293-297
Kolli T, Kanerva T, Huuhtanen M, Vippola M, Kallinen K, Kinnunen T, Lepistö T, Lahtinen J, Keiski RL (2010) The activity of Pt/Al2O3 diesel oxidation catalyst after sulphur and calcium treatments. Catalysis Today 154 (3-4), 303-307
Landaburu-Aguirre J, Pongrácz E, Perämäki P, Keiski RL (2010) Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration
for the removal of cadmium and zinc: use of response surface methodology to improve understanding of process performance and optimisation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 180, 524-534
Pap N, Pongrácz E, Jaakkola M, Tolonen T, Virtanen V, Turkki A, Horváth-Hovorka Z, Vatai G, Keiski RL (2010) The effect of pre-treatment on the anthocyanin and flavonol content of black currant juice (Ribes nigrum L.) in concentration by reverse osmosis. Journal of food engineering 98, 429-436
Ojala S, Bion N, Rijo Gomes S, Keiski RL, Duprez D (2010) Isotopic oxygen exchange over Pd/Al2O3 catalyst: Study on C18O2 and 18O2 exchange. ChemCatChem 2, 527-533
Pöykiö R, Nurmesniemi H, Keiski RL (2010) Heavy metals in flue gas cleaning residue. Environmental chemistry letters 8, 295-300
Seelam PK, Huuhtanen M, Sápi A, Szabó M, Kordás K, Turpeinen E, Tóth G, Keiski RL (2010) CNT-based catalysts for hydrogen production by ethanol reforming. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 (22), 12588-12595
García V, Landaburu-Aguirre J, Pongrácz E, Perämäki P, Keiski R (2009) Dehydration of water/dichloromethane/n-butanol mixtures by pervaporation; optimisation and modelling by response surface methodology. Journal of Membrane Science 338 (1-2), 111-118
García V, Poncrácz E, Muurinen E, Keiski R (2009) Recovery of n-butanol from high salt containing solutions by pervaporation. Desalination 241 (1-3), 201-211
García V, Poncrácz E, Muurinen E & Keiski R (2009) Pervaporation of dichloromethane from multicomponent aqueous systems containing n-butanol and sodium chloride. Journal of Membrane Science 326 (1), 92-102
Iulianelli A, Longo T, Liguori S, Seelam PK, Keiski RL, Basile A (2009) Oxidative steam reforming of ethanol over Ru/Al2O3 catalyst in a dense Pd-Ag membrane reactor to produce hydrogen for PEM fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34, 8558-8565
Kersen Ü, Keiski R (2009) Preliminary study on the selective oxidation of H2S over LaVO4 and Fe2(MoO4)3 oxides, produced by a solvothermal method. Catalysis Communications 10, 1039-1042
Kertész S, Landaburu-Aquirre J, García V, Hodúr C, Pongrácz E, Keiski RL (2009) Statistical experimental design of the removal of different compounds from synthetic wastewater by micellar-enhanced ultrafiltrations. Annals of Faculty of Engineering - Journal of Engineering 7 (4) 185-188
Kertész S, Landaburu-Aguirre J, García V, Pongrácz E, Hodúr C, Keiski R (2009) A statistical design for separation of pollutants from synthetic wastewaters by MEUF. Desalination and Water Treatment Science and Engineering 9, 221-228
Kertész S, Landaburu-Aguirre J, García V, Pongrácz E, Hodúr C, Keiski RL (2009) A statistical experimental design for the separation of zinc from aqueous solutions containing sodium chloride and n-butanol by Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration. Desalination and Water Treatment 9, 221-228
Kolli T, Huuhtanen M, Hallikainen A, Kallinen K, Keiski RL (2009) The effect of sulphur on the activity of Pd/Al2O3, Pd/CeO2, and Pd/ZrO2 diesel oxidation catalyst. Catalysis Letters 127, 49-54
Kolli T, Kanerva T, Lappalainen P, Huuhtanen M, Vippola M, Kinnunen T, Kallinen K, Lepistö T, Lahtinen J, Keiski RL (2009) The effect of SO2 and H2O on the activity of Pd/CeO2 and Pd/Zr-CeO2 diesel oxidation catalytsts. Topics in Catalysis 52, 2025-2028
Kucherov AV, Tkachenko OP, Kirichenko OA, Kapustin GI, Mishin IV, Klementiev KV, Ojala S, KustovLM, Keiski RL (2009) Nanogold-containing catalysts for low-temperature removal of S-VOC from air. Topics in Catalysis 52, 351-358
Landaburu-Aguirre J, García V, Pongrácz E, Keiski R (2009) The removal of zinc from synthetic wastewaters by micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration; statistical design of experiments. Desalination 240 (1-3), 262-269
Pap N, Kertesz S, Pongrácz E, Myllykoski L, Keiski R, Vatai G, László Z, Beszédes S, Hodúr C (2009) Concentration of blackcurrant juice by reverse osmosis. Desalination 241 (1-3), 256-264
Pietikäinen M, Oravisjärvi K, Rautio A, Voutilainen A, Ruuskanen J, Keiski RL (2009) Exposure assessment of particulates of diesel and natural gas fuelled buses in silico. Science of the Total Environment 408, 163-168
Pongrácz E, Turpeinen E, Raudaskoski R, Ballivet-Tkatchenko D, Keiski RL (2009) CO2: from waste to resource for methanol-based processes. Proceedings of the ICE - Waste and Resource Management 162 (WR4), 215-220
Pöykiö R, Nurmesniemi H, Keiski R (2009) Total and size fractionated concentrations of metals in combustion ash from forest residues and peat. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 58 (4), 247-254
Raudaskoski R, Turpeinen E, Lenkkeri R, Pongrácz E, Keiski RL (2009) Catalytic activation of CO2: Use of
secondary CO2 for the production of synthesis gas and for methanol synthesis over copper-based zirconia containing catalysts. Catalysis Today 144, 318-323
Rytter E, Lefferts L, Keiski R (2009) Preface. Catalysis Today 142 (1-2), 1
García V, Diban N, Gorri D, Keiski R, Urtiaga A, Ortiz I (2008) Separation and concentration of bilberry impact aroma compound from dilute model solution by pervaporation. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (7), 973-982
García V Pongrácz E, Phillips P, Keiski R (2008) Factors affecting resource use optimisation of the chemical industry in the Northern Ostrobothnia region in Finland. Journal of Cleaner Production 16, 1987-1994
Huuhtanen M, Ylä-Mella J, Jeronen E, Keiski RL (2008) Novel approach for undergraduate. Journal of Baltic Science Education 7 (3), 185-192
Häyrynen K, Langwaldt J, Pongrácz E, Väisänen V, Mänttäri M, Keiski RL (2008) Separation of nutrients from mine water by reverse osmosis for subsequent biological treatment. Minerals Engineering 21, 2-9
Nurmesniemi H, Pöykiö R, Keiski RL, Matsuto T (2008) Total and extractable heavy metal and sulfur concentrations in fly ash from a large-sized (90 MW) fluidized bed boiler at a pulp mill incinerating biofuels. Journal of Residuals Science & Technology 5 (4), 171-179
Ojala S, Lassi U, Perämäki P, Keiski RL (2008) Effect of process parameters on catalytic incineration of solvent emissions. Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry 2008, 1-7
Oravisjärvi K, Rautio A, Ruuskanen J, Tiittanen P, Timonen K (2008) Air pollution and PEF measurements of children in the vicinity of a steel works. Boreal environment research 13, 93-102
Pöykiö R, Nurmesniemi H, Keiski RL (2008) Chemical, physical and leaching studies of bottom ash from a medium-sized (32 MW) municipal district heating plant for assessing its suitability for an earth construction agent and foa a fertilizer used in agriculture and in forestry. Journal of residuals science & technology 5 (1), 27-35
Pöykiö R, Nurmesniemi H, Keiski RL (2008) Evaluation the concentrations of partitioned heavy metals in fly ash from a medium-sized (32MW) municipal district heating plant with respect to the new Finnish limit values. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2 (6), 610-624
Turpeinen E, Raudaskoski R, Pongrácz E, Keiski RL (2008) Thermodynamic analysis of conversion of alternative hydrocarbon-based feedstocks to hydrogen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33, 6635-6643
Talebi G, Sohrabi M, Keiski RL, Huuhtanen M, Royaee SJ, Maghsoudi S, Imamverdizadeh H (2007) Synthesis and determination of the properties of the bifunctional beta zeolite catalysts for n-heptane hydroisomerisation. Journal of Chilean Chemical Society 52 (4), 1314-1320
Kanerva T, Kröger V, Rahkamaa-Tolonen K, Vippola M, Lepistö T, Keiski RL (2007) Structural changes in air aged and poisoned diesel catalysts. Topics in Catalysis 45 (1-4), 137-142
Kröger V, Kanerva T, Lassi U, Rahkamaa-Tolonen K, Vipploa M, Keiski RL (2007) Characterization of phosporus poisoning on diesel exhaust gas catalyst components containing oxide and Pt. Topics in Catalysis 45 (1-4), 153-157
Cabello Galisteo F, Mariscal R, López Granados M, Zafra Poves MD, Fierro JLG, Kröger V, Keiski RL (2007) Reactivation of sulphated Pt/Al2O3 catalysts by reductive treatment in the simultaneous oxidation of CO and C3H6. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 72 (3-4), 272-281
Kolli T, Kröger V, Keiski RL (2007) Effect of La2O3 on dynamic OSC over the Pd/OSC/Al2O3-based catalysts. Topics in Catalysis 45 (1-4), 165-168
Kröger V, Hietikko M, Angove D, Frenc D, Lassi U, Suopanki A, Laitinen R, Keiski RL (2007) Effect of phosphorus poisoning on catalytic activity of diesel exhaust gas catalyst components containing oxide and Pt. Topic in Catalysis 42-43, 409-413
Kröger V, Kanerva T, Lassi U, Rahkamaa-Tolonen K, Lepistö T, Keiski RL (2007) Phosphorus poisoning of ZSM-5 and Pt/ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts in diesel exhaust gas conditions. Topics in Catalysis 42-43, 433-436
Nurmesniemi H, Pöykiö R, Keiski RL (2007) Case study of waste management at the Northern Finnish pulp and paper mill complex of Stora Enso Veitsiluoto mills. Waste Management 27 (12), 1939-1948
Puhakka E, Riihimäki M, Keiski RL (2007) Molecular modeling approach on fouling of the plate heat exchanger: Titanium hydroxyls, silanols and sulphates on TiO2 surfaces. Heat Transfer Engineering 28 (3), 248-254
Pöykiö R, Nurmesniemi H, Keiski RL (2007) Environmental risk assessment of heavy metal extractability
in a biosludge from the biological wastewater treatment plant of a pulp and paper mill. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 128, 153-164
Raudaskoski R, Niemelä MV, Keiski RL (2007) Effect of ageing time on co-precipitated Cu/ZnO/ZrO2 catalysts used in methanol synthesis from CO2 and H2. Topics in Catalysis 45 (1-4), 57-60
Book chapters
Keiski RL, Kolli T, Seelam PK, Shafqat K, Valtanen A, Huuhtanen M (2014) Ch.10: Photocatalytic conversion of alcohols. In: Alcohols and bio-alcohols: characteristics, production and use edited, Basile A and Dalena F (eds), Nova Publisher, 205-222.
Pap N, Pongrácz E, Myllykoski L, Keiski RL (2014) Waste Minimization and Utilization in the Food Industry: Valorization of Food Industry Wastes and Byproducts (Chapter 19). In: Jatindra KS (Ed) Introduction to Advanced Food Process Engineering.CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. P. 595-629
Huuhtanen M, Seelam PK, Kolli T, Turpeinen E, Keiski RL (2013) Chapter 11, Advances in catalysts for membrane reactors. In: Basile A (Ed), Handbook of membrane reactors, Volume 1: Fundamental Materials Science, Design And Optimisation. Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy No. 55. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. P. 401-432
Keiski R, Huuhtanen M, Pitkäaho S, Seelam PK, Turpeinen E, Koskinen R (2013) CO2 Conversion to Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). CO Capture & Conversion report, TCGR, 53-74.
Niemistö J, Saavalainen P, Isomäki R, Kolli T, Huuhtanen M, Keiski RL (2013), Chapter 17, Biobutanol production from biomass. In: Gupta VK & Tuohy MG (eds) Biofuel Technologies: Recent developments. Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag: P. 443-470
Seelam PK, Huuhtanen M, Keiski RL. (2013) Chapter 5, Microreactors and membrane microreactors: fabrication and applications. In: Basile A (Ed), Handbook of membrane reactors, Volume 2: Reactor types and industrial applications. Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy No. 56. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. P. 188-235
Keiski RL, Ojala S, Huuhtanen M, Kolli T and Leiviskä K (2011) Chapter 9: Partial oxidation (POX) processes and technology for clean fuel and chemical production. In: Khan MR (Ed) Advances in clean hydrocarbon fuel processing: Science and technology. Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy No. 19. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge, UK. P. 262-286
Keiski RL, Kolli T, Huuhtanen M, Ojala S, Pongrácz E (2010) Chapter 7: Challenges in catalysis for sustainability. In: Cybulski A, Moulijn JA, Stankiewicz (Eds) Novel concepts in catalysis and chemical reactors: Improving the efficiency for the future. WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany. P. 143-162