Future Computing Group

We are a lively group of roughly 20 experts at the Center for Ubiquitous Computing at the University of Oulu. Together with our international collaborators, we explore and refine edge intelligence within the fields of of distributed computing, artificial intelligence, and communication engineering.
Description of  elements in the edge-cloud continuum.

Contact information

Research group leader

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Research group description

The Future Computing Group (FCG) at the University of Oulu (https://ubicomp.oulu.fi/research/fcg) is part of the Center for Ubiquitous Computing (http://ubicomp.oulu.fi/) within the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering.

We have a long history in AI, semantic reasoning, context-aware computing, and computational platforms. Over the past decade, our research has emphasized edge intelligence, including distributed AI and situation-aware, self-organizing, and self-managing applications and platforms across the computing continuum – from local devices to cloud centers.

We leverage distributed AI, big data tools, and machine learning to enhance situational awareness for both end-user applications and continuum platforms. Beyond fundamental edge intelligence research, we focus on application domains such as UAVs, XR/metaverse, cybersecurity, and smart systems, cities, traffic, and environments. We are actively involved in the national 6G Flagship Program (https://www.oulu.fi/6gflagship/) and projects funded by the Academy of Finland, Business Finland, Digital Europe, and Horizon Europe.
