Lauri Lovén

D.Sc. (Tech.)
Research group lead
Distributed Artificial Intelligence

Center for Ubiquitous Computing
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Lauri Lovén

Lauri Lovén, D.Sc.(Tech) is a PI and the vice-director of the Center for Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP), University of Oulu, in Finland. He leads the Future Computing Group of ca. 20 researchers and coordinates the Distributed Intelligence strategic research area in the 6G Flagship research program. He received his D.Sc. at the university of Oulu in 2021, was with the Distributed Systems Group, TU Wien in 2022, and visited the Integrated Systems Laboratory at the ETH Zürich in 2023. He's an associate editor at the SpringerNature Computing journal. His current research concentrates on edge intelligence. He has co-authored 2 patents and ca. 50 research articles in international journals, conferences, and workshops. Before and during his academic career he has worked ca. 20 years in software industry, primarily with AI startups, as founder, CTO, board member, advisor and mentor, among other roles.

Research interests

  • Distributed AI
  • Edge computing
  • Edge intelligence
  • Cognitive computing continuum

Researcher information

Research groups

Researcher profiles

Contact information


Phone number

+358 40 594 5859

Visiting address

Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 3, door E
90570 Oulu

Postal address

Office: TS369
P.O Box 4500
FI-90014 University of Oulu