GeroNursingCentre (GNC) - Older adults' restorative care, wellbeing and functional ability

The research group is researching restorative care, the comprehensive well-being and functional ability older adults. We also research digital technology in care of older adults, competence of those who are involved in older adults' care as well as leadership and management relating to care of older adults.
Picture of GeroNursing Centre's members at Tellus

Research group information

Contact information

Research group leader

Research group description

GNC produces and offers research, training, expert services, and networks to support successful and active aging. The aim of the activities is to promote good and functional old age as well as aging as healthily as possible. GNC supports the development of services for the older adults, representing the best evidence-based expertise in its field.

Research focus areas

Social impact

We produce, synthesize and transfer research evidence for the needs of education, management and older people in social welfare and health care nationally and internationally:

Social media

Instagram: @geronursingcentre

Facebook: @GeroNursingc

LinkedIn: GeroNursing Centre

Youtube: GeroNursing Centre