Heidi Siira
University lecturer
Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology
Faculty of Medicine

I work as a university lecturer in the Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology and as a coordinator in the GeroNursing Center (GNC) of research and expertise on restorative care of older adults. I recently (May 2021) defended my PhD thesis on low vision rehabilitation, health-related quality of life and related factors among older adults with visual impairments. In my post doc research I want to combine my background and key knowledge and competence areas in gerontology, rehabilitation and disability. Before my academic career, I worked for many years with older adults in different sectors of social and healthcare and was involved in vocational education. During my doctoral training, I actively participated in several international conferences in my field as well as networked internationally with scientists in training schools addressed for PhD students. I want to conduct and promote working-life-oriented research that is effective and meaningful for society and health care practices.
Research interests
- Wellbeing and quality of life of older adults
- Disability, especially visual and hearing impairment, in old age
- Rehabilitation and rehabilitation counselling
- Restorative care of older adults
Researcher information
Contact information
Postal address
PO BOX 5000
90014 University of Oulu