Future Computing Group

Research group information
Contact information
Research group leader
- Research group lead
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Research group description
The Future Computing Group (FCG) at the University of Oulu (https://ubicomp.oulu.fi/research/fcg) is part of the Center for Ubiquitous Computing (http://ubicomp.oulu.fi/) within the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering.
We have a long history in AI, semantic reasoning, context-aware computing, and computational platforms. Over the past decade, our research has emphasized edge intelligence, including distributed AI and situation-aware, self-organizing, and self-managing applications and platforms across the computing continuum – from local devices to cloud centers.
We leverage distributed AI, big data tools, and machine learning to enhance situational awareness for both end-user applications and continuum platforms. Beyond fundamental edge intelligence research, we focus on application domains such as UAVs, XR/metaverse, cybersecurity, and smart systems, cities, traffic, and environments. We are actively involved in the national 6G Flagship Program (https://www.oulu.fi/6gflagship/) and projects funded by the Academy of Finland, Business Finland, Digital Europe, and Horizon Europe.