Heidi Pasanen
Engineer (AMK), Master of Natural Resources (YAMK)
Project Manager
Project manager BIOTUTO project
Heidi Pasanen is an Industrial Engineering (AMK) and Rural Development Agrolog (YAMK). She works as a project manager at the Kerttu Saalasti Institute of the University of Oulu, MicroENTRE (with rural companies as well as OAMK, NIHAK and JEDU) in a project developing bioenergy production. Aiming for an energy self-sufficient carbon-neutral farm model.
She has extensive experience in both rural entrepreneurship and project management. In the past, he has led projects for regional development organizations, municipalities, cities, the public utility sector and companies. Her areas of specialization include rural development, applying for funding, writing projects, quality work, management, communication, developing groups of companies, identifying the development needs of farm businesses by production plan, developing changes in bioenergy, and financing. Pasanen works continuously with farm businesses, rural businesses and rural development organizations.
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Pajatie 5