BIOTUTO – Cooperation boosts recycled nutrients and local bioenergy production

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
Multiple sources
Project funder
Funding amount
994 876 EUR
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Project leader
- Projectmanager
Project description
In particular, the project explores the possibilities for improving the efficiency of the production and distribution of recycled nutrients and bioenergy in bioterminals, e.g. intermediate storage, separation of common logistics solutions, transports through utilising the production facilities of farms that have ceased production. The project examines how the processing of biomaterials and contracting services create new job opportunities for machinery contracting companies suffering from, for example, the cessation of peat production.
To determining the value and pricing of recycled nutrients as well as the cost structure, the project also conducts educational tests to instruct end users on the potential for yield and the use of new fertilizer products.
The case area of the project is the Nivala-Haapajärvi region, where several biogas plants are planned. Nivala and nearby municipalities have exceptionally high raw material potential to produce biogas and biofuels. There are about 950 farms in the area that produce biomass of both plant and animal origin, which is suitable as a raw material for energy production and fertilizers.
The project aims to:
- Develop new business opportunities related to nutrient recycling and bioenergy production
- Promote biogas plant investments and the implementation of various energy and circular economy solutions in a rural area.
- Provide new options for the use of peat fields in e.g. biomass production
- Find substitute alternatives for peat energy use
- Create a model for an energy self-sufficient and carbon-neutral farm
Execution area:
Haapajärvi, Kärsämäki, Nivala, Pyhäjärvi, Reisjärvi, Sievi, Oulu
The project measures are divided into six different work packages according to content and responsibilities:
TP1: Bioterminals in enhancing the logistics of bioenergy and recycled nutrients (OY/KSI)
TP2: Regional Distribution and Industrial Use of Biogas (NIHAK)
TP3: Biogas production up to speed (OAMK)
TP4: Efficient utilization of biogas production reject (JEDU)
TP5: Model for an energy self-sufficient, carbon-neutral farm (OAMK, JUDU, NIHAK)
TP6: Project communication and management (OY/KSI)
During the project period, communication of the results is carried out through hybrid events, social media channels and live monitoring in real time. The project results are available and applicable in Northern Ostrobothnia and all of Finland.
The implementators:
University of Oulu Kerttu Saalasti Institute (main implementor)
Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk)
he Vocational Education Centre JEDU
Nivala-Haapajärvi Region NIHAK
Further information:
Heidi Pasanen, project manager
+358 50 4084 714
Ulla Lehtinen, senior adviser
+ 358 50 476 1624