Juho Yliniemi

MSc (Chem.), DSc (Tech.)
Associate Professor (Tenure track)
Dissolution of silicates; Materials chemistry of sustainable cements; Alkali-activated materials; Silicate surface-aqueous solution interface reactions;

Fibre and Particle Engineering
Faculty of Technology

Juho Yliniemi

Juho is an Associate Professor in the Fibre and Particle Engineering Research Unit and Group leader of Materials chemistry of inorganic side streams and applications-team.

He has over 10-year research experience on industrial inorganic sidestreams and alkaline activated materials which are commonly called as geopolymers. He has also founded a company (www.kekogeopolymeerit.fi) based on the research.

The research focus of his team are:

-Advanced characterization of inorganic side streams
-Low-CO2 cement binder chemistry
-Dissolution, precipitation, and hydration reactions
-Cement admixtures
-Metal-ligand complexes
-Solid surface-liquid interface reactions
-Performance of low-CO2 cementitious materials
-Fresh and hardened properties of mortars
Characterization of hardened cements in nano- and microscale

Research interests

  • Alkali-activated materials; Materials chemistry of cement; Dissolution of silicates;
  • Surface chemistry; cement pore solution chemistry
  • Advanced surface characterization of silicates

Researcher information

Researcher profiles

Contact information



Phone number


Visiting address

Office PR425, Erkki Koiso-Kanttilankatu 1, University of Oulu.

Postal address

For packages:
Juho Yliniemi, 0443120686
c/o: Logistiikkakeskus, 029 448 4102
Biologintie 8 1F
90570, Oulun Yliopisto