Sahra Parvin

As part of the Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering Research Unit (WE3), I collaborate with international experts to explore solutions for climate resilience and sustainable water management. My research focuses on snow drought conditions, their classification, and their impact on water resources in high-latitude regions like Northern Europe. My goal is to contribute to scientific knowledge and provide valuable insights for policymakers and environmental management. I work closely with the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) to integrate advanced data analysis techniques into my research.

Research interests

  • climate change
  • geographic information system (GIS)
  • Watershed management

Researcher information

Researcher profiles

Contact information


Visiting address

Pentti Kaiteran katu 1

Postal address

Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering
P.O.Box 4300
FI-90014 University of Oulu