Hydrology and Water Quality
Research group information
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Research group leader
- Associate Professor (Tenure Track)
Research group description
The group produces novel science to monitor, model and predict environmental change focusing on hydrological and biogeochemical processes. Within this, we do research on cold climate hydrology, modelling and water quality in pristine and managed catchments. The research uses scientific outputs to develop solutions to improve land and water management and policy input.
The main research themes of the group are divided into three sections. These themes are presented in detail below:
Our main research sites are the Pallas environmental monitoring supersite, Oulanka research station and Ruukki research station, but in addition to these we conduct active research cooperation in different sites both nationally and globally. More information about these individual research sites can be found through the links below.
Pallas: https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/hs/2019/06/19/featured-catchment-series-pallas/