The Digi-HTA, a new health technology assessment model for digital health technologies

Thesis event information

Date and time of the thesis defence

Place of the thesis defence

P117, Aapistie 5, University of Oulu

Topic of the dissertation

The Digi-HTA, a new health technology assessment model for digital health technologies

Doctoral candidate

MSc. (Tech), MHSc Jari Haverinen

Faculty and unit

University of Oulu Graduate School, Faculty of Medicine, Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology

Subject of study

Medical Physics and Technology


Associate professor Paulus Torkki, University of Helsinki


Professor Jarmo Reponen, University of Oulu

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The Digi-HTA assessment model can be used to comprehensively evaluate digital products and services in healthcare

In the doctoral dissertation of researcher Jari Haverinen, MSc. (Tech), MHSc., the development and verification of the new Digi-HTA assessment model, designed for digital health technologies (DHTs), are presented. The work was commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and was based on the observation that the use of new and innovative DHTs—such as digital health applications, AgeTech, and artificial intelligence and robotics solutions—had increased in Finnish healthcare. However, there was a lack of impartial assessment information regarding the effectiveness and quality of the DHTs. The health technology assessment (HTA) models currently in use in Finland were not suitable for DHTs. Furthermore, in international comparisons, no HTA models were found that could comprehensively support the assessments of various technologies, highlighting the need for the development of new HTA methods. Doctoral researcher Jari Haverinen was responsible for the development of the Digi-HTA assessment model, which was conducted in collaboration with the University of Oulu and the Finnish Coordinating Center for Health Technology Assessment (FinCCHTA).

The new Digi-HTA assessment model enables a comprehensive and impartial assessment of DHTs. It was the first of its kind internationally to include digital health applications, artificial intelligence, and robotics solutions within the same assessment framework. The key assessment perspectives of the Digi-HTA model include the effectiveness, safety, costs, usability, accessibility, and data security and protection of DHTs. The Digi-HTA assessment reports that were produced from the use of this model support decision-making related to DHTs in the Finnish well-being service counties.

According to a sub-study included in the dissertation, 24 healthcare professionals found that the Digi-HTA assessment reports contained clear and comprehensive information on DHTs to support decision-making. However, the integration of Digi-HTA assessments into decision-making processes should be improved in the future. Eight health technology companies that participated in the study reported that the Digi-HTA framework was a suitable tool for assessing their products. The dissertation also examined the added value that DHTs can bring to both patients and healthcare professionals, using the sleep apnea digital care pathway of Oulu University Hospital as a case example.

The Digi-HTA assessment model has been featured in the operations of FinCCHTA since the beginning of 2020. It has been used to conduct assessments of DHTs, such as medicine dispensing and rehabilitation robotics, digital lifestyle interventions, and various digital platform solutions. Certain Finnish well-being service counties have already utilized Digi-HTA assessment reports as a component of their procurement requirements.
Last updated: 7.10.2024