How learners establish their metacognitive awareness in collaborative learning

Thesis event information

Date and time of the thesis defence

Place of the thesis defence

Linnanmaa L3

Topic of the dissertation

How learners establish their metacognitive awareness in collaborative learning

Doctoral candidate

Master of Science Ahsen Cini

Faculty and unit

University of Oulu Graduate School, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Learning and Learning Processes (LLP)

Subject of study



Professor Daniel Bodemer, University of Duisburg-Essen


Professor Sanna Järvelä, University of Oulu

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How learners establish their metacognitive awareness in collaborative learning

This dissertation explores metacognitive awareness in collaborative learning at multiple levels.
It examines how learners’ individual metacognitive awareness relates to their social level of
metacognitive awareness, how learners’ individual and social levels of metacognitive awareness affect task performance, and how learners’ social and environmental levels of metacognitive awareness relate to their facial expressions of emotion.

The findings highlight the significance of the collaborative learning setting as a valuable means to enhance metacognitive awareness at the individual level as well as in interactions among group members and with the learning environment.

Theoretically, the dissertation contributes to research on socially shared regulation of learning by displaying both static and dynamic aspects of metacognitive awareness in collaborative learning.

Methodologically, this dissertation provides facial expression recognition as a novel methodological tool and data channel to comprehend metacognitive awareness. For the implications for practice, the findings highlight metacognitive awareness and inform the design of artificial intelligence in education systems regarding when students are having trouble understanding a task or whether they are aware of their metacognition.
Last updated: 16.9.2024