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Future hydrogen economy and sustainable steel production
Finland has exceptional preconditions to succeed in the international hydrogen race with research and education. The University of Oulu is among the most significant hydrogen research hubs in Finland. The comprehensive view of hydrogen future is based on a strong multidisciplinary approach.
How to produce hydrogen completely emission-free, without enormous electricity consumption? How is hydrogen going to transform steel production? How can Finland achieve up to 15 per cent cuts in emissions with the hydrogen-based ultrahigh-strength steel and heavy traffic? How can easily evaporating hydrogen be stored and introduced to distribution networks? What will sustainable business models in the future hydrogen economy look like?
At the University of Oulu, a large group of researchers from a wide range of disciplines contribute to hydrogen research, and they are happy to provide the media with insights into the development of hydrogen innovations and the impact of the hydrogen transition on society.
Clean hydrogen production
Currently, hydrogen is primarily made of fossil natural gas; however, in the near future, hydrogen production will transfer to an emission-free electrolysis process in which water is split into hydrogen and oxygen. However, producing hydrogen out of water with electrolysis requires a great amount of energy. As a solution, the University of Oulu is developing alternative, emission-free and energy-efficient ways of producing hydrogen.
One of the promising methods is producing hydrogen with photocatalysis using sunlight. Professor Marko Huttula’s research group studies, for example, butterfly wings and plant leaf structures to increase the efficiency of solar hydrogen panels. Huttula has repeatedly raised concerns and criticised the EU and Finland’s current plans in which the hydrogen transition is based on electrolysis, because Huttula feels that the method’s massive energy consumption cannot be disregarded but must be instead observed realistically., tel. +358 (0)503502942
Professor Wei Cao is developing photocatalysts of a new generation for hydrogen production with EU funding. The new catalysts will enable producing hydrogen directly from water using sunlight without any electricity.
Professor Riitta Keiski is a pioneer of heterogeneous catalysis and photocatalysis research in Finland, and she has strengthened the research in the field in the University of Oulu. Keiski’s research group has developed catalysts required in hydrogen production and photocatalysis, and focused on green chemistry and technology and global research questions related to sustainability assessments., tel. +358 (0)407263018.
The emission-free and low-electricity methane pyrolysis is a hydrogen production method that is already in use. In methane pyrolysis, natural or biogas is split and the hydrogen is separated from the carbon. Pure carbon can be used to produce carbon nanotubes that can be utilised in modern battery technologies. Professor Ulla Lassi is the Head of the Research Unit of Sustainable Chemistry and an expert in the development of battery chemistry;, tel. +358 (0)400294090
Hydrogen in steel production and traffic, hydrogen-resistant steels and hydrogen economy business models
In steel production, using hydrogen as a reductant and source of energy presents a significant opportunity for utilising hydrogen and decreasing carbon dioxide emissions in the steel industry: it can cut Finland’s emissions by up to seven per cent.
Professor Timo Fabritius knows the production of hydrogen-based steel, and he also coordinates the Hydrogen Research Forum Finland that gathers together Finnish research organisations:, tel. +358 (0)294482421.
Hydrogen evaporates easily and requires special storage and transfer solutions. The University of Oulu has an internationally acknowledged status in the development of ultrahigh-strength steels. They can also be used to lighten heavy vehicles, for example, and decrease traffic emissions in Finland by up to 7–8 per cent. Jukka Kömi is an expert in ultra-light steels., tel. +358 (0)405490311
Hydrogen suitable for traffic fuel already exists, and processed hydrogen can be utilised in fuels without significant investments in the existing distribution infrastructure. Professor Juho Könnö is an expert of materials and mechanical engineering,, tel. +358 (0)504795242.
Technical development alone is not enough to cut greenhouse gas emissions, as we must also have business and revenue models for utilising them as part of a wide energy transition and hydrogen economy.
Oulu Business School is developing business models for a new era, and Professor Veikko Seppänen, previous Director of the Martti Ahtisaari Institute, knows them thoroughly,, tel. +358 (0)401562805.
Hydrogen ecosystems and value chains as well as occupational safety are studied under Professor Harri Haapasalo in the Industrial Engineering and Management research unit in the University of Oulu’s Faculty of Technology,, tel. +358 (0)405182275.
Coronavirus epidemic
The University of Oulu is well-equipped to take part in the joint efforts to tackle the coronavirus epidemic with research and other efforts.
Virus research, children and infections
Lari Lehtiö, Professor of Structural Biology, tel. +358294481169
Proteins, structural biology and early stage drug discovery. Research team led by Lehtiö studies a protein of COVID-19 causing SARS-CoV-2 virus. The coronavirus utilizes this protein to be able to multiply inside the host cell. The team develops methods for screening of inhibitors of this protein as an effective small molecule inhibitor could enable development of a new antiviral drug.
Aki Manninen, Professor in Cell Biology, tel. +358294486081
Viral vectors, viral gene transfer techniques, molecular cell biology, prostate cancer
Seppo Vainio, Professor of Developmental Biology, tel. +358407470939
Secreted extracellular nano- and microvesicle (EVs) roles organogenesis and disease, value as medically relevant biosensors and as bioaerosols in biology and medicine
Mika Rämet, Professor of Pediatrics (University of Oulu) and Professor of Experimental Immunology (University of Tampere), tel. +358504336276
Pediatrics, neonatology, immunology, infectious diseases, vaccine research
Terhi Tapiainen, Docent, Infection Physician, tel. +35883155185
Infections of children, infants and newborn
Jouni Jaakkola, Professor of Public Health, tel. +358406720927
Air pollution, climate change, mortality
Juha Auvinen, Professor of General Medicine, tel. +358406736344
- Lifetime Health and Health Challenges, National Diseases, Population Studies
Distance School, Teaching, Learning, Communication Technology
Sanna Järvelä, PhD, Professor in Education, Learning Sciences, tel. +358405777164
Learning sciences, learning research, teaching, learning environments, educational technology, self-regulated learning, collaborative learning
History of Epidemics
Heini Hakosalo, Docent, Senior Research Fellow, tel. +358445360631
History of medicine, health and disease
Economic Policy and economic crises
Mikko Puhakka, Professor of Economics, tel. +358503506419
- Economic crises, fiscal policy, structural change, competitiveness, The U.S. economy and politics, dynamic inefficiency, macroeconomics, international macroeconomics.
Investing, saving, share prices
Juha-Pekka Kallunki, Professor of Accounting, tel. +358405672508
- Financial markets, corporate finance and financial statements, share prices
Anssi Paasi, Professor, Geography, tel. +358 50 9118 247, +358 29448 1703
- Research on regions, regional identities, and political boundaries. The political geographic impact of corona pandemics.
Environment and sustainable development
Marko Mutanen, Senior Curator, tel. +358 50 350 5793
- Biodiversity of insects, especially of butterflies, moths and sawflies; morphological and DNA based identification of insects; DNA based species delimitation and phylogenetic inference
Esa Hohtola, Professor emeritus, Animal Physiology, tel. +358 50 350 2816
- Animal physiology, especially energetics and temperature regulation of birds and mammals. Ornithology.
Jan Hjort, Professor, Physical Geopraphy, tel. +358 50 400 8707
- Physical geography; Permafrost; Permafrost hazards; Periglacial processes; Geomorphology and landforms; Palsa mires; Geodiversity; Arctic areas (physical geography and global change); Physical geography of urban environments; Urban climate
Kalevi Mursula, Professor, Space Physics, tel. +358 40 068 8365
- Solar activity, solar-terrestrial research, solar effects on Earth, including atmospheric and climate effects, solar wind, geospace environment, auroras, magnetic storms, space climate, space weather, atmosphere and climate change in the north
Environmental engineering and sustainable use of natural resources
Eva Pongracz, Professor, Energy Systems and Environmental Engineering, tel. +358 284 48 7417
- Sustainable energy, northern energy and environmental issues, energy transition and carbon neutral energy future, smart grids and energy systems
Jukka Kömi, Professor, Physical Metallurgy, tel. +358 40 549 0311
- Steels, steel productions, steel applications and environmental issues related to steelmaking.
Ulla Lassi, Professor, Applied Chemistry, tel. +358 40 029 4090
- Sustainable chemistry; battery technology and inorganic battery chemicals, especially lithium-ion batteries, battery recycling and metal recovery; process chemistry in inorganic circular economy, e.g. catalysis, catalytic materials in biomass processing and water treatment, water treatment chemicals
Mirja Illikainen, Professor, Inorganic Materials in Circular Economy, tel. +358 40 588 5904
- Circular economy, recycling, waste treatment, utilization of industrial residues, geopolymers, concrete, cement
Riitta Keiski, Professor, Mass and heat transfer (chemical engineering), tel. +358 40 726 3018
- Sustainable production and energy, clean technologies, air and water emissions abatement and utilization, industrial and mining wastewater purification, process and environmental catalysis, separation processes, sustainability assessment and criteria development, research ethics
Henrikki Liimatainen, Professor (tenure), Nanocellulosic Biomaterials and Chemicals, tel. +358 50 565 9711
- Nanostructured biomaterials and chemicals derived from lignocellulose and wood materials. Especially fabrication of nano- and microcelluloses, their hybrid structures with inorganics/biomaterials and their applications. Cellulose in packaging, filters and membranes, nanopapers, smart materials, biomedical applications and templated structures.
Anssi Paasi, Professor, Geography, tel. +358 50 9118 247, +358 29448 1703
- Research on regions, regional identities, and political boundaries. The political geographic impact of corona pandemics.
Jarkko Saarinen, Professor, Human Geography, tel. +358 40 4840 777
- Tourism and development, sustainability in tourism, tourism and climate change adaptation, tourism-community relations and nature conservation studies
Medicine and health
Healthcare digitalization
Jarmo Reponen, Professor of Practice, Healthcare Information Systems, tel. +358405412718
- Healthcare information systems, eHealth, DigitalHealth, usability and assessment of information systems, development and comparison of Finnish healthcare information systems internationally, utilization of AI in medical imaging, education of digitalization for physicians and for dentists
Lifetime Health and Chronic Diseases
Juhani Junttila, Professor of Cardiology, tel. +358505444367
- Sudden cardiac death: causes, genetic background and electrocardiographic risk markers
Jaro Karppinen, Professor of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, tel. +358414462859
- Musculoskeletal disorders (especially low back pain): etiology, prevention and treatment interventions, population-based studies of musculoskeletal disorders
Raija Korpelainen, Professor of Health Exercise, tel. +358503125746
- Lifelong determinants and trajectories of physical activity and sedentary behavior, Associations between physical activity, sedentary behavior, health and wellbeing; Societal and economic impact of physical activity and sedentary behavior; Associations between built and natural environment, physical activity, health and wellbeing
Environmental changes and health
Tiina Ikäheimo, University Researcher, tel. +358405422968
- The effects of high and low environmental temperature on performance (physical and cognitive) and health (morbidity, mortality) and their management in healthy or vulnerable populations.
Arja Rautio, Professor in Arctic Research, tel. +358 40 585 5776
- Effects of climate change, permafrost thaw, and environmental contaminants on health, living conditions and quality of life in the Arctic populations; Indigenous health and well-being, One Health, research ethics
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Simo Saarakkala, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, tel. +359400354512
- Applications of artificial intelligence in medicine
ICT and digitalization
Future wireless information systems 5G and 6G
Matti Latva-aho, Professor, Director of 6G Flagship, tel. +358 40 588 9655
- 6G research
Ari Pouttu, Professor, 6G Flagship Vice President, tel. +358 40 543 2694
- 5G test network and applications, sensor technology, intelligent energy systems, government networks
Jari Iinatti, Professor , tel. +358 40532 9403
- Wireless body networks, wireless medical technology
Markku Juntti, Professor, Director of the Radio Technology Research Unit, Wireless Communication Research Center (CWC), , tel. +358 29448 2834
- Wireless communication technology and signal processing
Artificial intelligence, intelligent environments and materials
Timo Ojala, Professor, tel. +358 40 567 6646
- Smart environments, augmented reality, ubiquitous computing
Steven LaValle, Professor, tel. +358 50436 3534
- Virtual reality, perception engineering
Juha Röning, Professor, tel. +358 40518 1621
- Robotics, cyber security
Heli Jantunen, Professor, tel. +358 40 512 0861
- Microelectronics, smart and new materials, printed intelligence
Simo Saarakkala, Professor, tel. +358 40 035 4512
- Artificial intelligence in medicine
Susanna Pirttikangas, University Researcher, tel. +358 40 707 8873
- Artificial intelligence, IoT
Olli Silvén, Professor, tel. +358 29448 2788
- Machine vision, signal analysis, artificial intelligence
Tapio Fabritius, Professor, tel. +358 40 775 7054
- Printable and flexible electronics, thin film electronics, industrial and biomedical applications of optics and photonics
Markku Oivo, Professor, tel. +358 40 8227702
- Digitization, software engineering, software production, software and data intensive services
Human-centered digitization
Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Professor, tel. +358 40579 1410
- Mobile services, new technologies, World Wide Web, persuasive software design
Netta Iivari, Professor, tel. +358 40 7256412
- Children and technology, children's technology education, user experience, user-centered and participatory design, ethical issues and usability of technology
Pentti Haddington, Professor of English, tel. +358 50341 0347
- Human ability in a digitalizing world, interaction in virtual reality, multimodal interaction analysis
Education, humanities, economics
Distance School, Teaching, Learning, Communication Technology
Sanna Järvelä, PhD, Professor in Education, Learning Sciences, tel. +358405777164
- Learning sciences, learning research, teaching, learning environments, educational technology, self-regulated learning, collaborative learning
Human-driven Digitalization
Pentti Haddington, Professor of English Language and Interaction, tel. +358503410347
- English language, talk, social interaction, language, multimodality, digitalization, virtual reality, crisis interaction, multitasking
Sami Identity
Veli-Pekka Lehtola, Professor of Sami Culture, tel. +358405780492
Economic Policy and economic crises
Mikko Puhakka, Professor of Economics, tel. +358503506419
- Economic crises, fiscal policy, structural change, competitiveness, The U.S. economy and politics, dynamic inefficiency, macroeconomics, international macroeconomics.
Investing, saving, share prices
Juha-Pekka Kallunki, Professor of Accounting, tel. +358405672508
- Financial markets, corporate finance and financial statements, share prices