Elbuken Lab: Microfluidics and Biosensor Research Group

Research group information
Unit and faculty
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Research group leader
- Professor of biosensors
Research group description
We are interested in the study of fluids at micro and nanoscale. Our research studies span the fields of microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip systems and integrated microsystems. Microfluidic technologies enable the use of small scale fluid control and analysis. Compared to their bulky counterparts, microfluidic devices yield faster, higher performance and cost-effective assays. An integral part of our research is the design and fabrication of microfluidic systems. We work on a very wide range of topics including droplet microfluidics, artificial cells, extracellular vesicle isolation systems, viscoelastic fluids, nonlinear microfluidics and bifurcating fluidic networks. Below a snapshot of our main research themes is given.
We have an OPEN Ph.D. student position on microfluidics, biosensors and artificial cells. Please apply by March 22, if you are interested in a multidisciplinary project on “Development of novel biosensors based on artificial cells.” The position is funded by Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation. The candidate will be part of a productive group of 10 researchers and will have opportunity to interact with 4 other research groups. Click here to apply.
Our ERC Consolidator project (BiNET) started in October 2022. We will be working on bifurcating network growth and the relationship between short term fluctuations and long term growth. Specifically, we will study the red blood cell distribution in capillary networks and correlate it with the corresponding tissue growth and vascular network adaptation. We will develop in-vivo models using organoid samples, in-vitro models using analogous microfluidic networks and in-silico models by node-based iterative simulation.
Our Academy of Finland project (#342448) has started as of September 2021. We are working on self-assembly of artificial cell/vesicle like structures for 3D structure formation. We are exploring the relationship between the individual membrane forming unit and the stability of the self-assembled structure. We study particle distribution dynamics in confined microchannels. In this project we take a new approach and study the particle aggregation dynamics in non-confined geometries using synthetic liposomes and polymersomes engineered by microfluidic approaches. If you are interested in working on this project, contact us for potential positions.
Caglar Elbuken was awarded by the University of Oulu for his research achievements. The award was presented on 5 September 2022 during the Opening Ceremony of the 2022 Academic Year.”
Our recent article on fabrication of polyrotaxane microcapsules using droplet fluidics is online. In collaboration with Tuncel group (expert on supramolecular chemistry), we synthesized microscale capsules. We are moving towards assembly of larger structures using such capsules.
Our project on "NanoEngineered Self-Assembling Vesicle Production" is funded by Academy of Finland. We aim to synthesize artificial vesicles using microfluidics and control vesicle properties for achieving self-assembly of complex architectures.
Our ERC Consolidator Project on bifurcating networks was accepted. We are starting a 5-year ambitious project focusing on the dynamics of vessel formation and the discrete nature of blood cell transport at capillary level. More information coming soon.
- Caglar Elbuken, Ph.D., Professor
- Tatiana Avsievich, D.Sc., Post-doctoral researcher
- Benny Ryplida, Ph.D., Post-doctoral researcher
- Amir Abdorahimzadeh, M.Sc., Doctoral researcher
- Lauri Rannaste, M.Sc., Doctoral researcher
- Indraja Sundara Raju, M.Sc., Doctoral researcher
- Mostafa Bakouei, M.Sc., Doctoral researcher
- Micaela Tavares Oliveira, M.Sc., Doctoral researcher
- Samin Nooranian, M.Sc., Doctoral researcher
- Zikrullah Bölükkaya, M.Sc., Doctoral researcher
- Eva Bozo, M.Sc., Doctoral researcher
- Hadi Mohammadjafari Sadeghi, Project researcher

62) Mostafa Bakouei, Ali Kalantarifard, Indraja Sundara Raju, Tatiana Avsievich, Lauri Rannaste, Marjut Kreivi, Caglar Elbuken, "Facile and versatile PDMS-glass capillary double emulsion formation device coupled with rapid purification toward microfluidic giant liposome generation", Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 10, 183 (2024). DOI:10.1038/s41378-024-00815-0
61) Micaela Oliveira, Partha Protim Sarker, Ilya Skovorodkin, Ali Kalantarifard, Tugce Haskavuk, Jonatan Mac Intyre, Elizabath Nallukunnel Raju, Samin Nooranian, Hiroki Shioda, Masaki Nishikawa, Yasuyuki Sakai, Seppo J. Vainio, Caglar Elbuken, Irina Raykhel, “From ex ovo to in vitro: xenotransplantation and vascularization of mouse embryonic kidneys in a microfluidic chip,” Lab Chip, 24, 4816–4826, 2024, [link]. DOI:10.1039/d4lc00547c
60) Feby W. Pratiwi, Reny T. Thomas, Mohammad Karzarjeddi, Marjaana Sarpola, Ilkka Miinalainen, Olha Makieieva, Soile Jokipii-Lukkari, Caglar Elbuken, Kristiina Oksman, Seppo J. Vainio, Henrikki Liimatainen, “Scalable Purification, Storage, and Release of Plant-Derived Nanovesicles for Local Therapy Using Nanostructured All-Cellulose Composite Membranes,” Biomacromolecules, 25, 9, 5847–5859, 2024, [link]. DOI:10.1021/acs.biomac.4c00535
59) Seyedamirhosein Abdorahimzadeh, Zikrullah Bölükkaya, Seppo J. Vainio, Henrikki Liimatainen, Caglar Elbuken, "Anomalous electrohydrodynamic cross-stream particle migration" Physics of Fluids 36, 043609 (2024) [link]. DOI: 10.1063/5.0200283
58) Ziya Isiksacan, Angelo D’Alessandro, Susan M. Wolf, David H. McKenna, Shannon N. Tessier, Erdem Kucukal, A. Aslihan Gokaltun, Nishaka William, Rebecca D. Sandlin, John Bischof, Narla Mohandas, Michael P. Busch, Caglar Elbuken, Umut A. Gurkan, Mehmet Toner, Jason P. Acker, Martin L. Yarmush, O. Berk Usta, "Assessment of stored red blood cells through lab-on-a-chip technologies for precision transfusion medicine" PNAS, July 2023, 120 (32) [link] . DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2115616120
57) S. Abdorahimzadeh, F. W. Pratiwi, S. J. Vainio, H. Liimatainen, H., C. Elbuken, “Interplay of electric field and pressure-driven flow inducing microfluidic particle migration” Chemical Engineering Science, 276, July 2023, 118754 [link]. DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2023.118754
56) J. Ukkola, F. W. Pratiwi, S. Kankaanpaa, S. Abdorahimzadeh, M. KarzarJeddi, P. Singh, A. Zhyvolozhnyi, O. Makieieva, S. Viitala, A. Samoylenko, H. Haggman, S. J. Vainio, C. Elbuken, H. Liimatainen, “Enrichment of bovine milk-derived extracellular vesicles using surface-functionalized cellulose nanofibers” Carbohydrate Polymers, 297, Dec. 2022, 120069 [link] DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.120069
55) P. Beyazkilic, S. Akcimen, C. Elbuken, B. Ortac, S. Cai, E. Bukusoglu, "Contactless pulsed and continuous microdroplet release using photothermal liquid crystals," Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 2205385, Sept. 2022 [link]. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202205385
52) B. Derkus, M. Isik, C. C. Eylem, I. Ergin, C. B. Camci, S. Bilgin, C. Elbuken, Y. E. Arslan, M. Akkulak, O. Adali, F. Kiran, B. O. Okesola, E. Nemutlu, and E. Emregul, "Xenogenic neural stem cell-derived extracellular nanovesicles modulate human mesenchymal stem cell fate and reconstruct metabolomic structure," Advanced Biology 2022, 2101317 Aug. 2022 [link]. DOI: 10.1002/adbi.202101317
47) A. Kalantarifard, E. Alizadeh-Haghighi, A. Saateh and C. Elbuken, “Theoretical and experimental limits of monodisperse droplet generation,” Chemical Engineering Science, 229, Jan. 2021, 116093 [link]. DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2020.116093
46) S. Pekdemir, H.H. Ipekci, M. Serhatlioglu, C. Elbuken and M.S. Onses, “SERS-active linear barcodes by microfluidic-assisted patterning,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 584, 11-18, Feb 2021 [link]. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2020.09.087
45) M. Kaya, I. Bilican, M. Mujtaba, I. Sargin, M.E. Haskoylu, E. T. Oner, K. Zheng, A.R.Boccaccini, D. Cansaran-Duman, M.S. Onses, I. Torun, L. Akyuz, C. Elbuken and M.V. Sørensen, “Sponge-derived natural bioactive glass microspheres with self-assembled surface channel arrays opening into a hollow core for bone tissue and controlled drug release applications,” Chemical Engineering Journal, August 2020, 126667 [link]. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.126667
44) Z. Isiksacan, M. Serhatlioglu and C. Elbuken, “In vitro analysis of multiple blood flow determinants using red blood cell dynamics under oscillatory flow,” Analyst, 145, 5996-6005, July 2020 (cover article) [link]. DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00604A
43) M. Serhatlioglu, Z. Isiksacan and C. Elbuken, “Electro-viscoelastic migration under simultaneously applied microfluidic pressure-driven flow and electric field,” Anal. Chem., 92, 10, 6932–6940, April 2020 [link]. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b05620
42) I. Bilican, M. T. Guler, M. Serhatlioglu, T. Kirindi and C. Elbuken, “Focusing-free impedimetric differentiation of red blood cells and leukemia cells: A system optimization,” Sens. Actuators B, 307, 127531, March 2020 [link]. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2019.127531
41) A. Saateh, A. Kalantarifard, O.T. Celik, M. Asghari, M. Serhatlioglu and C. Elbuken, “Real-time impedimetric droplet measurement (iDM),” Lab Chip, 19, 3815-3824, November 2019 (cover article) [link]. DOI: 10.1039/C9LC00641A
39) G. Bakan, S. Ayas, M. Serhatlioglu, A. Dana and C. Elbuken, “Reversible decryption of covert nanometer-thick patterns in modular metamaterials,” Optics Letters, 44 (18), 4507-4510, September 2019 [link]. DOI: 10.1364/OL.44.004507
38) Z. Soybaş, S. Şimşek, F.M.B.Erol, U.Ç. Erdoğan, E.N. Şimşek, B. Şahin, M. Marçalı, B.Aydoğdu, Ç. Elbüken and R. Melik, “Real-Time In Vivo Control of Neural Membrane Potential by Electro-Ionic Modulation,” iScience, 17, 347-358, July 2019 [link]. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2019.06.038
1) US 10,048,281 "Cartridge device with segmented fluidics for assaying coagulation in fluid samples," Katrina Petronilla Di Tullio, Jay Kendall Taylor, John Lewis Emerson Campbell, Caglar Elbuken, Shelia Diane Ball, Noam Saul Lightstone
2) US 9,791,407 "A method and an apparatus for the detection of a tagging materia in fluids," Hakan Urey, Havva Yagci Acar, Caglar Elbuken, Basarbatu Can, Osman Vedat Akgun, Fahri Kerem Uygurmen
Isikascan, M.T. Guler, A. Kalantarifard, M. Asghari, R. Saritas and C. Elbuken, “LOC platforms in disease detection and diagnostic,” Biosensors and Nanotechnology: Applications in Health Care Diagnostics [link], John Wiley & Sons Press, ISBN: 9781119065012
T. Glawdel, C. Elbuken and C. L. Ren, “ Droplet Generation in Microfluidics,” Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2012 [link]. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-27758-0_1713-1