Unpacking and Redefining Changing Relationships in Teachers’ Work

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
Research Council of Finland - Academy Project
Funding amount
480 000 EUR
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
Teachers’ work is changing. Multi-professional cooperation and co-teaching now characterise teachers’ work. Teachers also work with increasingly heterogeneous groups of students, in schools with open architecture and with new educational technologies. The changing conditions demand challenging the existing knowledge of relationships in teachers’ work. The research project ‘Unpacking and Redefining Changing Relationships in Teachers’ Work’ (RELA) focuses on what changing working conditions mean for these relationships and how teachers make sense of them. Various narrative sources of data from teachers working in basic education will be obtained. The project will take place at the University of Oulu from 2020–2024, and will create new understanding about relationships in teachers’ work today. As well as advancing scientific understanding, the project will help equip teachers with the resources they need to better navigate the relational complexities in their work.
Project results
Scientific articles
Kettunen, A., Uitto, M., & Lutovac, S. (2024). Exploring the use of pre-service teachers' visual narratives in the arts-based workshop to study emotions. In E. K. Hyry-Beihammer, O. Ylitapio-Mantyla and M. Uitto (eds.), Narratives in Educational Research. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-68350-3_6
Keränen, V., Uitto, M., Martin, A., Kettunen, A., Körkkö, M., & Lutovac, S. (2024). Creative Writings, Creative Analysis: Exploring Narrative Ways to Analyse Teachers' Writings. In E. K. Hyry-Beihammer, O. Ylitapio-Mantyla and M. Uitto (eds.), Narratives in Educational Research. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-68350-3_8
Lutovac, S., Keränen, V., Körkkö, M., Uitto, M., & Clandinin, D.J. (2024). Teachers’ experiences of being unsettled within their relationships with parents: Shifting professional knowledge landscapes. Teaching and Teacher Education, 152, 104790. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2024.104790
Körkkö, M., Lutovac, S., & Korte, S.-M. (2024). The sense of inadequacy and uncertainty arising from teacher work: Perspectives of pre- and in-service teachers. International Journal of Educational Research, 127, 102410. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2024.102410
Lutovac, S., & Körkkö, M. (2024). ‘A teacher’s work is many things, but one thing it is not is easy’: pre-service teachers’ conceptions of teachers’ work. European Journal of Teacher Education, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2024.2388630
Körkkö, M., & Lutovac, S. (2024). Relational perplexities of today’s teachers: social-emotional competence perspective. Teaching Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/10476210.2023.2298194
Lutovac, S., M. Uitto, V. Keränen, A. Kettunen, and M. A. Flores. (2024). Teachers’ Work Today: Exploring Finnish teachers’ narratives. Teaching and Teacher Education, 173: 104378. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2023.104378
Conference presentations
Lutovac, S., Körkkö, M., Keränen, V., Kettunen, A., & Uitto, M. (2023, October). Teachers making sense of time in their work: Finnish teachers’ perspective. Paper presented in ATEE winter conference, Braga.
Keränen, V. Uitto, M. & Lutovac S. (2023, August). From teachers’ traditional bodies to virtual embodiment. Paper presented in ATEE, Budapest.
Kettunen, A., Uitto, M. & Lutovac, S. (2023, June). Employing visual narratives in pre-service teachers’ peer group to gain deeper insight into emotions. Paper presented at the Narrative Matters conference, Tampere.
Keränen, V., Körkkö, M., Lutovac, S. & Uitto, M. (2023, August). Opettajan työn muuttuneet maisemat – kasvokkaisista keskusteluista digitaalisiin kohtaamisiin. Paper presented at Opettajankoulutuspäivät, Jyväskylä.
Keränen, V., Uitto, M., Martin, A., Kettunen, A., Körkkö, M. & Lutovac, S. (2023, June). Creative writings, creative analysis – narrative ways to analyse teachers’ creative writings. Paper presented at the Narrative Matters conference.
Körkkö, M. & Lutovac, S. (2023, August). Unpacking the diversity in teachers' work: pre- and in-service teachers' conceptions, Paper presented at European Conference of Educational Research, Glasgow.
Uitto, M., Lutovac, S., & Keränen, V. (2022, November). Teacher-student relationships today: teachers’ stories. Paper presented at the FERA conference on education, Oulu.
Körkkö, M., & Lutovac, S. (2022, November). Challenges of today’s teachers: social-emotional competence perspective. Paper presented at the FERA conference on education, Oulu.
Lutovac, S., Uitto, M., Keränen, V. & Holappa, A. (2021, November). Narratives of teachers' multidimensional and hectic work. Paper presented at the FERA conference on education, Jyväskylä.
Holappa, A. (2021, November). Kerrotut valokuvat ikkunana opettajaksi opiskelevien identiteetteihin ja niihin kietoutuviin tunteisiin. Paper presented at the FERA conference on education, Jyväskylä.
Lutovac, S., Uitto, M. Holappa, A. & Keränen, V. (2021, September). Teachers’ stories of their changing work. Paper presented at the The Annual Conference of Association of Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), Warsaw.
Holappa, A. (2021, September) Storied photographs as a window into student teacher identity construction and emotions involved. Paper presented at the The Annual Conference of Association of Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), Warsaw.
Uitto, M., Lutovac, S., Keränen, V. & Holappa, A. (2021, June). Today’s teacher-student relations: teachers’ stories. Paper presented at the Relation-Centered Education Network conference.
Uitto, M., Lutovac, S., Keränen, V. & Holappa, A. (2021, February). An opening to changing relationships in teachers’ work. Paper presented at the Teaching, Teachers and Educational Communities Symposium on Teacher Education, Oulu.
Holappa, A. (2020, December). Valokuvin kerrotut tunteet osana opettajaksi opiskelevien identiteettejä. The Finnish Educational Research Association Conference (FERA), Helsinki.
Holappa, A. (2021, February). Valokuvin kerrotut tunteet osana opettajaksi opiskelevien identiteettejä. Paper presented at the Teaching, Teachers and Educational Communities (TTEC) Symposium on Teacher Education, Oulu.
Holappa, A. (2020, December). Valokuvin kerrotut tunteet osana opettajaksi opiskelevien ident Lutovac, S. (2020, December). Narratives of failure as a professional development tool in teacher education. Paper presented at the FERA conference on Education, University of Helsinki, Finland, 14-16 December 2020.
Uitto, M., Lutovac, S., Keränen, V. & Holappa, A. (2020, December). An opening to changing relationships in teachers’ work. Paper presented at the FERA conference on education, Helsinki.
Data sets
Uitto, M., & Lutovac, S. Unpacking and Redefining Changing Relationships in Teachers’ Work (RELA). University of Oulu, KASVATUSTIETEIDEN TIEDEKUNTA. http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:att:fa7a7791-d12a-47f7-afc3-9e97aa4fdd5c