Pentti Haddington
English language and interaction
![Pentti Haddington Pentti Haddington](
I am Professor of English and interaction, Adjunct Professor (Docent) in Multimodal interaction analysis (University of Jyväskylä). My research team uses video-based methods to study everyday talk and interaction. I am currently leading the following international and funded research projects: PeaceTalk: Talk and Interaction in Multinational Crisis Management Training (2019-2025, Research Council of Finland and Eudaimonia Institute). AIDA: Action and Intersubjectivity in the Digital Age (2023-2027; Research Council of Finland).
My previous projects include Generation Z and Beyond (2018-2023), which was one of the University of Oulu's profiling projects, focusing on ways to strengthen human capabilities in the emerging digital era, and iTask: Linguistic and embodied features of interactional multitasking (2015-2022), both funded by the Research Council of Finland and the University of Oulu.
We study talk and interaction in crisis management training (e.g., UN military observers), focusing on effective and efficient practices of talk and interaction that advance teamwork and situational awareness. We also study interactions in different digital environments (video-mediated settings and immersive virtual reality) and try to explain how digital technologies may support interaction and why sometimes they disrupt and make it difficult. We collaborate, for example, with the National Defence University (Finland), the Finnish Defence Forces International Center (FINCENT) and CMC Finland. I have spent research periods at the University of California, Santa Barbara and the University of Helsinki (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies). I am also a principal investigator in the COACT research community.
Research interests
- talk
- interaction
- multimodality
- intersubjectivity
- crisis talk and interaction
- digital action and interaction
- multiactivity in interaction
Researcher information
Contact information
Phone number
Visiting address
Faculty of Humanities
Research Unit for Languages and Literature
Room TÄ304
Yliopistokatu 9
FI-90570 Oulu
Postal address
Faculty of Humanities
P.O.Box 1000
FI-90014 University of Oulu