Supporting your studies and contact information for students

Student Tutoring
Student tutors introduce new students at the University of Oulu to their studies, university studies and the university community.
Tutor Teaching
Tutor teachers guide and advise students with planning studies, preparing personal study plan, and evaluating the progress of studies.
Faculty Study Services
Faculty Study Services offer support, advice and guidance in all questions related to your degree programme or studies.
Study Guidance
Counselling services offer study guidance and individual coaching to support you in topics such as study planning and time management.
Groups and workshops
Study groups, activities and workshops offer you peer support and guidance on topics such as time management, study skills and reducing stress.
Study Psychologists
Study psychologists provide special guidance and counselling when other student advisory services have not been of enough help.
Career Centre
The University of Oulu Career Centre is a One-Stop career resource for students and employers, focusing on different aspects of career development and effective career transitions from day one at the university, to post-graduation.
IT services for students
As a student at the University of Oulu, you have access to a wide range of systems and software to support your studies.
Accessibility in Studies
Accessibility refers to the ways in which physical, psychological and social environments are designed to ensure that everyone can interact with others on an equal basis despite their individual characteristics.
Study skills and competences
On these pages we have collected practical information about study skills and competences.
Welcome to the campuses of the University of Oulu
The eight faculties and research units of the University of Oulu are located on two campuses.
Faculties and units
The University of Oulu has eight faculties. The research units in our faculties constitute a strong multidisciplinary scientific community.
Study facilities
University of Oulu offers versatile facilities and equipments for students needed e.g. in silent or group studying or working with computer.
Campus ICT support service
Campus ICT is a joint support service of the University of Oulu and the Oulu University of Applied Sciences, which you can turn to for all IT services. The support service is provided by the university's ICT Services.
Tellus Innovation Arena
You are welcome to use Tellus spaces independently, participate in the events or organize your own.
Help in information searching
Get help in seeking information on your subject. Ask about the databases, e-books, articles or reference management. Drop in or book a librarian.