Evidence-based digital health care (DigiHealth-EBHC)
Research group information
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Research group leader
- Professor
Research group description
The group collaborates, among the first Finnish University in the field of nursing science, with The Finnish Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care: A Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Centre of Excellence. The group also collaborates closely with the Nursing Research Foundation in Finland (HOTUS).
Research focus on :
- Evidence-based digital care paths to support the patient’s self-care and adherence to the treatment
- Evidence-based digital health coaching/counseling to support the patient’s health and citizens’ digital wellbeing
- Evidence-based digital restorative care to support the ability to function among older adults
- Educational enhancement of staff’s and patients’ evidence-based health care and digital competence
- Evidence-based and knowledge-based leadership and management in digital services to enhance the higher quality of person-centered care and staff wellbeing
This research group connects all research groups of the Research Unit of Nursing Science and Health Management. The research group is lead by Prof. Maria Kääriäinen. The group includes professors, associate professors, post-doctoral researchers, doctoral candidates and master students.
Adherence to self-care and healthy lifestyles (Adherence)
Health Coaching/Patient Counselling (HealthCoach)
GeroNursingCentre (GNC) - Older adults' restorative care, wellbeing and functional ability
Well-being for Individuals and Families in Nursing (IndFamilyNurs)
Health care education and competence (HealthEduCom Lab)
Management and leadership in healthcare (HealthManagement)
We generate and synthesize evidence for the key knowledge needs of health care services, its education and management nationally and internationally:
- systematic reviews
- evidence summaries
We promote the evidence implementation for citizens’ digital wellbeing and person-centered and restorative care in co-operation with the health care and social services, companies and education organizations:
- evaluation of processes and outcomes in health care and social services, management and education
- assessment of competence in evidence-based health care (EBHC)
We transfer evidence by producing future experts of EBHC and digital health care in:
- Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree education
- JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review education organized by The Finnish Centre for EBHC
- EBHC webinars annually