Philosophy of Education for Democracy

Research group information
Contact information
Research group leader
- Professor, Dean of Research
- Associate Professor (tenure track)
Contact person
Research group description
The research focuses on current problems identified in the theories of democracy and growing up as a citizen, such as:
- Injustice affecting marginalized groups
- Emotional and social dimension of growing into a responsible citizen
- Challenges posed by the eco-catastrophe to democratic citizenship
- Political polarization and the crisis of democracy, as well as the possibilities to respond to them through education and training
- The importance of changing media, especially social media, for public debate and growing into a democratic citizen
The research produces new theoretical understanding of the boundary conditions of growing up to be a democratic citizen in the context of changing democratic societies and offers philosophically grounded views regarding the goals, objectives and practices of democratic education. The research carried out in the group also renews the field of educational philosophical research by combining philosophical examination with empirical educational scientific research. In this way, the research responds to the needs for change regarding the theory and practice of democracy education by producing both philosophically and empirically justified research data.
The research is connected to the University of Oulu's strategic focus area Understanding humans in change and participates in the interdisciplinary research carried out under the focus.