include well-being, occupational well-being, personality,
risks related to early life development and long-term
resilience, as well as language comprehension.

The Unit of Psychology consists of collaborating multidisciplinary research groups. Our key research themes include well-being in occupational settings and beyond; personality in health and well-being; early-life risk and long-term resilience; and language comprehension. You can find out more about our research activities from the research groups' pages below.
Contact at firstname.lastname[at]
Well-being and personality research group focuses on examining personality, health and well-being in large epidemiological datasets.
Early life risk and long-term resilience research group studies the interplay of biological and sociocultural early life risks in the development of resilience across the life course.
Multilingualism and migration research group studies the processes related to linguistic and cultural diversity from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Perception, Cognition and Language (PerCoLa) research group focuses on human perception, cognition and language related research, utilizing mainly eye-tracking methodology.
Work and organizational psychological research in the Unit of Psychology is focused on examining occupational well-being, such as work-related stress, work engagement and work ability in large cohort and register-based data sets.
Oulu Neurodiversity Research Group promotes acceptance of neurodiversity in the society by advancing the general understanding of neurodiversity.