Oulu University Library principles of a safer space

On this page you will find the library's principles of a safer space and instructions on how to act if you encounter harassment or inappropriate treatment in the library premises.

Principles of a safer space in the library

  • Oulu University Library is committed to promoting equality. The library is open to all customers, and the library staff are there for the customers. If you need any assistance, please ask, we shall help you.
  • The library offers various spaces for studying, spending time and for working in groups as well as quiet rooms. We kindly request you to comply with the respective rules concerning noise.
  • We want to make sure that the library working environment is safe and pleasant for all our customers and members of staff. Therefore, we do not tolerate harassment, inappropriate behaviour or discrimination. We respect physical and psychological privacy and personal space.
  • If you witness any inappropriate behaviour on the library premises, please report it to library staff. We shall take further measures.

Instructions for library units in cases of harassment or other inappropriate behaviour

Discrimination-​free zone

Oulu University Library is committed to the Discrimination-free zone campaign, coordinated by the Ministry of Justice. We welcome all people to the library and commit to treating all customers and staff equally.

Read more about the campaign