Narratives in educational research collective (NarratED)
Research group information
Contact information
Research group leader
- Professor
- Senior research fellow
Research group description
The NarratED research collective explores a wide range of educational themes employing narrative approaches. We focus on relationships and everyday life; memories, emotions, transitions, and change; teachers’ work, teacherhood, and identity; childhood; belonging, participation, and diversity; and power, values, and politics in education. Our approach to narrative combines theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical perspectives.
We recognize narratives as multimodal—including written, spoken, visual, and embodied forms—and as personal, collective, and cultural expressions. The data we collect include life stories (autobiographies); biographical, reflective, and creative writings; photographs, collages, and drawings; everyday narratives, and (peer) group discussions, to name a few. Our approaches include both holistic and fine-grained data analyses.
Ethics is central to our research, both as a theme and an essential component of narrative research which prioritizes relational and ethical approaches, values researcher-participant relationships, and ensures reciprocity by giving back to those involved in our studies. We also reflect on our positionality as researchers and the impact of language and translation on the narratives we collect and the analysis we conduct.
We strive to further develop narrative research, particularly within educational contexts, from theoretical, methodological, pedagogical, and ethical perspectives.